
I hope not, but (as a wrestling fan) I have very little faith in wrestling fans in general.

That looks more like a Ron Swanson action figure.

I think II is pretty lousy, but still better than I. TPM is essentially a prequel to the prequels: it's largely a side story that, aside from characters meeting each other, has almost no connection or relevance to the plots of the other movies.

This was great. I have never seen this.

74 kid here, ahhh the good ole days... skipping school, rolls of quarters...so many memories...

Bingo. In 2003, I moved to Germany and came back in 2005. After seething under the monopoly that is Comcast in this area, I refused to get cable this time around. You know what? I really like watching TV this way now. All those pilot shows that end up being crappy? They never show up on my radar. I get to

It means they will announce the day iOS7 will come out, which will be a week before new iPhone is released.

18th. 2 days before the iPhone will actually be in stores for sale.

Most likely, yes.

That might be my absolute favorite thing he's ever done actually. :)

You're completely missing the point of James and Mike Play. If anything they've returned to the glory days of early AVGN: playing games and not worrying about filming other filler bullshit. If you're a gamer and you find their personalities entertaining than this new series of videos is perfect. Also, news just in,

James Rolfe, the Angry Video Game Nerd. If you haven't seen his work, go do it. It's really funny stuff; extremely juvenile, but he pulls it off.

I'm glad someone posted this. As much as I enjoy Conan being the non-gamer-plays-games guy in the video above he genuinely seems nonplussed to be doing it, whereas James n Mike are complete opposites, you get to see two gamers actually enjoying vintage gaming. Shame that whenever Conan does something he gets a default

Sadly this is one of the reasons the Wii U is doing so poorly. They should have never tacked "Wii" onto the name of their next-gen console.

Because the man is a robot.

If so, it would finally be acceptable for Capcom to charge for new skins

I know this comment is late, but THANK YOU.

That's the best photoshop of Marcus Beer I've ever seen...It's also the only photoshop of Marcus Beer I've ever seen.

Made my day