
Now I see the resemblance.

Handhelds could go away and this industry would do just fine. Consoles started this industry and will always lead the gaming industry. You think if consoles and PC gaming went away. A handheld system could keep the industry going? Dream on. No one even counts the 3DS as next gen. It exist in it's own mobile gaming

Where's all the 3DS handheld news on this site? It's the best selling system ever! Yadda Yadda :P Haha!

Who cares about numbers. You can sell a million turds to a million morons. It doesn't mean it represents it's genre. I'm talking about relevance. What was the big news at E32013? Handheld and mobile systems right? Oh yeah...NO!!! The Big consoles! That's all anyone cares about. All we hear about all day in gaming news

I prefer Katy Perry's version. It has more soul, more heart. More melody. Soother sounding voice. Sara Bareille's song is generic and boring.

Yeah too bad handhelds don't define the game industry. I'm sure it's making Nintendo a lot of money, but I'm no here to make Nintendo richer. I want Nintendo to modernize itself. Games on tiny screens have their audience, but let's get real. The industry is driven by the 3 big consoles.

I'm still baffled by how little we hear about motion control gaming in the media these days and yet somehow big companies like MS continue to push it. Living that dream world fantasy where motion control takes over and like the Wii in 2007. It starts raining money, but what's even more baffling are the defenders of

Oh Nintendo. Always marching to the beat of your own drum. Nothing exist around Nintendo. Nintendo just does what ever the hell it wants and I love when they suffer for it. Wii U.

I saw this coming. I said it before and many people scoffed at me. As usual. I may not be in the game industry, but I've been following the game industry for 35 years. I like to think I learned a thing or two.

Alan Young the voice of Scrooge McDuck is 93? Wow, he did a good job considering his age. By that I mean his voice doesn't sound slow and tired. He's still got it.

It almost looks like what Link would look like in Dragon's Crown.

I'm 40. So you're not alone.

Teaching 8 to 13 year olds to Twerk? Real nice. I'm glad most of the audience didn't do it. What an embarrassing award show.

I'm not a Selena Gomez or Demi Lavoto fan, but I can respect them for being humble when they won. They gave hugs to the presenters. It seemed genuine. Miley Cyrus on the other hand come off like an arrogant whore. She told the presenter, "gimme my award!", and pulled it out of his hand. It seemed like she was showing

The Teen culture of today in general is an embarrassing nightmare.

"Aw shut up"

This little teen pop monster needs better people around him. A better agent. A Mom that's there to encourage him to stay out of trouble. You're not gonna tell me that after all his bad press lately that someone thought this was a good idea, right?

I swear I'm not a young Tom Hanks!