
Batman/Wonder Woman, and mad shoutout for the Joan/Sherlocke, and Bashir/Garak love. I think that the fans over blew Felicity/Ollie, but that the writers responded to fan demand, and managed, over the seasons, really culminating now, to make it work. early on it didn't feel right, but now the couple is established, it

They chose Kara Zor-El, yes. But I'm talking the entire history of the character, which includes incarnations as Kara In-Ze. It's the same as how Superman is both the "Truth, Justice, and the American Way" propaganda character, and the more modern developed American from space. Or how Wonder Woman means both the old

I still think this episode is full of cop-outs. "Change the dimensional frequency and attract the others" is the worst techno-babble bullshit I've heard in years, Patty's back story is rushed, and not exactly well established, and while the Flash is the bright and perky to the Arrows glowering demeanor, I really think

Kara's entire submissive attitude up to this point really bugs me. Like, I've never seen a Kara Zor-El you could stop, from helping people. Having her becoming public, because she's moving to a new city to pursue her own career, and showing her building that career would be a serviceable "alter-ego" side plot element.

Yeah, the feminism stuff kind of undermines the fact it is about a strong, female character. Her being like "really, 'Supergirl'?" is fine, same with the costume scene, but hammering on about it sounds too much like men trying to write a female lead. If you want to have a strong feminist message, have a strong female

There is, at the core of this show, something worth while, and potentially great. But, there is also a lot in there muddying the waters. This is an hour long show, introducing us to Supergirl, and yet it has struggled to have the pace and the tight writing that Superman:TAS had in the 90s when it took an hour time

"ends on one of the greatest callback gags in TV history" Had me coughing up a lung just from remembering it. Haha, a just description to say the least.

"ends on one of the greatest callback gags in TV history" Had me coughing up a lung just from remembering it. Haha, a just description to say the least.

You mention how Caitlin and Ronny get marries by the professor, but you miss the funniest line of the episode. "Let's not fight on our wedding day."

And here I was hoping we'd at least get the John Stewart Green Lantern…

What, did the Reverse Flash take the locks with him?

That's not going to telegraph the idea "this guy has sex slaves" or generate any sympathy for the slaves to engender dislike for the slave-holder at an emotional, as opposed to a mental, level. There is a massive difference between "I know he has sex slave and intellectually condemn that" and "I see he has sex slaves

Nyssa in fairness called Laurel out for keeping a secret again. But she also forgave her, in general. She recognizes that Laurel is herself, despite the smiles and milkshakes, going through a tough period. Her sister is dead, her father hates her, her oldest friend has gone all Justice Lord on her and the team. She's

I always assumed that the lightbulb zapp is what makes Bender the Bender we really know and love. Before that he's kinda a jerk, after he's 40% comedy gold.

Okay, have the Flash tell her, and then Joe and Eddie talk to her, explain it's not their secret to share, and that they found out on accident. I mean, Joe did accidentally discover it, and Eddie didn't have a choice in the matter, so kinda true for him, because he didn't intend it.
But, yeah, the writers would totally

You know, the Flash could just visit Iris and be all like "Eddie knows who I am, and he's having to keep it a total secret, and it's really stressing him to lie to everybody, but he has to to protect me and the people I love." And scene. Problem freaking solved. That absolves Eddie of the fault. And, if Iris is the

I hate to be "that guy" but how is Niravana's MTV unplugged "Where Did You Sleep Last Night" not on this list? Or, from the same, "The Man Who Sold the World"? It's one of the greatest live performances of the past 30 years. Both are astounding covers. "Where did you sleep last night" is "In the Pines" whittles down

I like how Oliver just gives no F's about Roy. Like, Arsenal gets livewired and Oliver strolls away. Brutal.

I think it speaks to the magnitude of his success, and his importance to the fabric of America over the last 9 years that they pulled an ending like that off. It's a testament, in it lunacy, and in the fact it was achieved, to the stature of the funny man. "It is a fool's prerogative to utter truths that no one else

Man, I somehow doubt he can even remember how to use that thing. He seems to be all kinds of busy plotting World Domination. No matter how amazing Felicity is, ain't no-body got the time for that when plotting to take over the world. Beside, he's way below her pay-grade.