
I think from a contractual basis, it's actually Dee's ticket. It shouldn't matter that she used Dennis' money, since he claimed himself that he wanted her to use the cash as a tip, so he can't show any loss in this respect (if he gave her the money to buy a scratcher for him, then it would be a different story).

You mean another misogynistic nightmare?

Was totally thinking that.
Could very, very easily say he was actually on a mission into deep space investigating something or other, the test flight thing was all a ruse to explain his departure.

But hey, yeah sure it's a still a B episode though right?

If he thought for a second that Rickon would actually get away he'd just his archers to loose 1000 arrows - he was just being a prick, Rickon didn't have a chance.

The Bolton phalanx trapping the Starks behind a pile of bodies wasn't clever or unique?

yeah nah it was great.

At least the re-occuring "Why? Shutup, why?" gag was great.

That upside down snow man was driving me nuts. I was expecting it to be like a Zelda dungeon, fix the one puzzle in the middle of the room and the door will open. Just rearrange the snowman Finn!!

Cisco's girly scream was pretty hilarious

I'm still kind of unclear as to what all the people clamouring to get into Miracle actually expect to do there.

Surely it's time to end the series with John McClane's nursing home getting taken over by Hans Gruber's son (played by Michael Fassbender) and his gang of terrorists, titled, wait for it; OLD HABITS DIE HARD.

I could hardly understand what the characters were talking about. The ridiculous philosophising and grandiose dialogue amounted to nothing more than self-indulgent nonsense.

Did anyone else think the Gavin plot was dumb/not that funny/unnecessary? It really seemed like they shoe horned him into this episode without any practical reason. I get that Abaddon wanted leverage over Crowley, but it never really seemed like it amounted to much, since Crowley made it clear he didn't seem to care

"Best before November 1959." Dammit, Bob. There were plenty of brand new bombs, but you had to go for that retro 50s charm."