
@Foohy: I agree and disagree. Part of my issue with all GT games is the quantity feels fake.

I don't want to sound like a jerk. But all GT5 made me want to do is go play some Forza 3... I think GT5 finished my conversion as a GT fan to a Forza Fan.

I was clapping like a little school girl. Awesome!

My family of 7 doesn't use paper towels anymore. For almost a month I did not buy any paper towels accidently... and I noticed we never needed them... I picked up a 2 pack and they were both gone in 1 week. I waited 2 months and again purchased None. I then purchased another 2 rolls and they disappeared in less then a

@timgray: The $300-$500 ones usually Top Consumer reports and beat out the $2800 in cleaning and power savings.

I see it more as a Meta-Game, that brings me a bit deeper into the conversations, where I otherwise might just select at random to get through a scene.

@lordargent: Oh I am just making a point that the safety and errors on some of the whirlpools have not changed for over 20 years. I have owned 3 different whirlpool models and each one had the same glitches.

Despite all the info above...

@aureus: Worked at FedEx. Pretty much the same exact practices, right along with "ignore Fragile" stickers and stuff.

The Cheap ones still run while open. We have anew top loading Whirlpool and it runs all the same.

@-MasterDex-: Oh goodness no. I want both games. Just cause I think one mechanic might be better then the other won't affect my decision.

@-MasterDex-: Yeah But in Forza it practically controls certain aspects of the car for you.

@freedomweasel: I see where you are coming from.. the true GT5 release could be worse... But if the Old demo look THAT much better than Forza 3... I wander how much better the full release of GT5 will look..... then again maybe it will look worse.

Forza 3 has turned me to the dark side... (AKA Not playing GT.)

It is blocked here at work and I can't remember how the Conan theme goes at the moment anyways. But based on my knowledge of playing Super Mario Bros 3 while wearing my "3 Wolf Moon" shirt, sitting in 3 week old underwear and eating cheetos, I can answer all our questions.

@jnewman10: Look, hes wrong, totally wrong. But legally... he might have some ground to stand on.

Hey guys. I am bored. I don't wanna start my movie till my pizza gets here... Been about 45 minutes and I might have to call pizza, huuuuuuuuu OMG!!