
I don't get it *tear*

well it's nice to see that the exclusives balance out in scores and ratings. And I assume Higher scoring games usually sell more, but exclusives are done almost purely to help sell consoles, so these numbers are probably a few notches down on the level of importance when it comes to exclusives.

@Chanaluss: Hmmm yeah maybe I can just Chrono one of my higher alts

@Cooking Utensil: In Hind sight I set the difficulty for shooting to "Casual" which aims for me.. so I wander if even when I aim down, it still hits them in the chest anyways?

I used to work at Funco Land Back in 98. It was a blast.. my first day their i was arranging all the NES carts. then I was the guy in the back room refurbishing the systems.

@puresewas1de: Sniff.. It put me to sleep.. and that was trying to play at 5 in the afternoon. I had such high hopes.

@Cooking Utensil: I am 1 hour into it.. Past the "tutorial" and after the 2nd "mission" I love it, but I have no idea how NOT to kill people? the game says you get bonuses and honor for not killing, but Damned if I can figure it out.

I got back into EQ2 last Night... Leveled a new ALT to from 1-14 in a couple hours.. it should have gone faster with all the new additions, but it was a DRAG.. I think cause I made a Defiler... everyone in chat said they suck until 40's... at least he had better DPS then my templar.

funny you use that play on words, cause I wander...

@wtf_G: You are correct, now that I think back, that nightmare took care of every tool you would need for the rest of the game...

@wtf_G: Mario, run forward, Jump, Run forward some more, Jump again.. repeat for 200 hours over the course of 10+ games.

So Ridiculously Scary and Amazing! I played in a bright room at 7am in the morning with 5 other people in it and still jumped and screamed like a school girl.

@geiko: I think it's cause many of the Kotaku writers may have played Alan Wake and know there are things we will want to talk about and figure out.. Ala LOST.

@origosis: BTW my 8 year old perfected his reading when i allowed him to play World of Warcraft and refused to read the quest text for him... Screw "Green Eggs and Ham"


Ok I am not comparing the games directly.. but I played during the free weekend... 3 hours? got to level 17 I think and it was pretty neat, but when I was done I happily logged Back into Combat Arms.

How can we all argue with opinion? the List is what it is.