Every time there is a high profile racist incident in America, we all must huddle together to assure ourselves that…
Every time there is a high profile racist incident in America, we all must huddle together to assure ourselves that…
Don’t worry everyone… I got this.
I frequently binge on vintage british pathé videos on youtube. Check out two toned 50's hair!
“It’s my job, it’s my life,” Lahren sais. “Without that, I feel lost. When your outlet is taken away from you, when your catharsis is stripped from you, and you don’t understand why and you’re so disappointed and you’re so blindsided by it, it hurts.”
We have Trump because America has a bunch of racist assholes who are willing to screw themselves over economically just to fuck over people of color? Yeah, that sounds right.
I feel bad for him. But her? Screw that. She should have listened to him more carefully, or, you know, not drunk the Kool-Aid and done some research. The only good thing to come of this is that maybe, just maybe, people like this will turn on him in 2020.
Cops in ball hats and t-shirts, none the less. None of the storm-trooper looking, riot-geared out, militarized police that actually show up to most protests.
It failed because this kind of ad proposes unity and camaraderie between two groups. This made sense with anti-war sentiment with Hilltop. It doesn’t make sense now. Protestors don’t want camaraderie with police, to make up and leave each other be. They want justice.
I know in my own social circles, it’s definitely the women bringing this stuff up and urging others to take action, especially recently. So yeah I’m not surprised by this. If I had to bullshit my way through some kind of armchair psychology explanation of it, I’d probably land on the idea that women are just more…
*slippery slope engaged*
Remember how people were saying there was really no difference between him and Hillary and millions of women believed it?
“I can’t imagine what the world would look like if Hillary Clinton were the president right now... Blech.”
Ban the wedding registry. Seriously. With the average age of people getting married slowly getting higher and higher and a majority of women (because that’s who the registry was originally for) have already lived on their own for a number of years anyway, wedding gifts and registries are a fucking joke for all the…
In theory, we give gifts at weddings for two reasons:
excuse me, that’s Cholula.
Having to fight with trying to get the bugs out of your home for 2-3 years is much worse.