
No we don’t :) I’ll just find another opinion regarding the topics I’m REALLY interested in elsewhere. Some, like this one, I’ll just ignore entirely after looking to see who else hates slideshows :). Feel free to check my visiting hours here over the last year or longer... slowly losing me :)

I remember an episode of body swapping, where the body-swapped and the other are kissing, and then reality sets in, and it finishes the scene with one of them saying “Your hand is on my butt” or something to that effect. Anyone recall?

I still have 3 or 4 boxes from the First version of Pier 1, where my Dad bought imported tea. I remember wandering the aisles and being amazed at all the “foreign” stuff, and after rediscovering one locally 20 years later, being completely disillusioned at the kitsch. 

Oh, he IS that stupid, have no doubt. But do we really think that noone in his immediate vicinity, *coughjaredcough* could have pointed it out? No. Not buying it. It’s intentional. 

Forgive her? Not sure. When do you forgive someone? Could have been a deadly incident if not for the recording, but to be fair, none of the recent unarmed civilian deaths would have been stopped if someone had said “Wait, I’m recording!/ I have a recording!”. The only thing the recording legitimately did, was cost her

Nothing you can say could convince me that Biden is worse than #45. 

To be fair, I’ll be voting for anyone running under the democratic ticket this year, staunchly independent or not. I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t vote for the person with the best chance of unseating that lying, racist, bigotted, .... *sigh* now you got me all wound up again...

It doesn’t matter. The last three years have convinced me of one fact more resolutely than that the Sun is a burning ball of gas: #45's supporters don’t care. They won’t listed to anything not said by him, or supporting him. Period. They aren’t worth my breath.

Because you don’t breathe thru your shirt, unless you’re pulling it over your face for a mask, in which case, wash your shirt. The virus isn’t contagious from touch, it’s transmitted by water droplets. A moist environment (ie. a cloth mask damp from you breathing thru it for 30 minutes to an hour) makes it very easy

I find myself in the wonderful position of having voted my conscience last time, fully secure in the fact that no way in hell could that clown be made president. And I was wrong. Yet again, I will absolutely vote my conscience this time, which absolutely insists that I vote for whichever clown the Democratic party

Same here, vis-a-vis local animal charity. They provide low cost spay/neuter services. It’s not much, but I’ve covered the price of one neutering so far :)

You keep saying things like “That’s not how it’s supposed to be done”, “Having been on the other side of that”, “ Your intent doesn’t matter”, and my favorite: “*knuckle crack* The former TSA officer will jump in here”. I think we can all see on which side of the fence you goose-step.  

So, what you’re saying is that the hospital will no longer have local access to any of the medical records? Because that’s the only way your logic makes sense. If you remove the hospital completely from the picture. And that’s not how I read the article. They’re adding Google, or someone like them, into the security

You’re missing my point. Adding Google to the mix does not inherently make the hospitals security better, all it does is add somewhere else with inherent flaws (humans) with access to personal data. They’re not talking about moving all their file and data storage to Google, they’re giving access to that data to

Oh gods, I didn’t vote for her last time, and I wouldn’t vote for her in the future. She is NOT the president we need, any more than out current Commander-in-Cheetos is. She might possibly be a better president, but that’s a low, low fricking bar, and I’d rather pull the bar off and beat both of them with it until

“If the hospital and Google have the right protections in place, there’s no privacy concern.”

“If the hospital and Google have the right protections in place, there’s no privacy concern.”

“If the hospital and Google have the right protections in place, there’s no privacy concern.

I’d be good with that, esp if they stopped after BC :)