So they think it's only racist because of the n-word? Let's do a test:
There we go. Much better.
This whole photo is gold
Kim's face there.
and now Kim is all "wait, Beyoncé, Beyoncé, BEYONCÉ, Beyoncé, B, hey girl, Beyoncé, 'yonce, hey why are you ignoring me, I didn't forget your accent mark this time, omg haha this isn't funny, Beyoncé, LISTEN TO ME I'M JEALOUS OF RIHANNA 2 NOW!!!!"
Jesus Fuck. When will "the greatest nation on earth" start giving a shit about its citizens? How dare these corporations call themselves patriots. This is getting ridiculous. I fear the definition of the word "patriot" may have to change soon.
She actually said she "CAN be a good person." That added "can" makes all the difference. Like I'm a raging bitch, most of the time. That does mean that up to 25% of my day is bitch-free.
It's not a game. It's the only way the modern GOP has been able to secure power despite losing the popular vote for the past 25-30 years.
I wish I could see all the rejected pitches from the fox news room for this story.
-Why are all these african americans out marching? Don't they have JOBS to go to and CHILDREN to raise?
-Sure, they'll march to commemorate the civil rights movement, but what about black-on-black crime? Why is no-one marching in Chicago…
I meant current leadership. Apparently they sent Kevin McCarthy, but Boehner, McConnell Scalise all skipped it. I guess it's awkward to celebrate milestones of the civil rights movement when your party is engaged in a program of stripping citizens of their civil rights.
I'm legit torn on this one. My prank-o-meter wants to rate this one a 10, yet my inner adult feels terrible for the office staff who had to deal with the cleanup. I think I'd feel less controversial about the whole thing if the congressman-whose-name-sounds-like-a-cereal-box-character had had to clean up the mess…
Pro-lifers like to bombard people with bloody fetus dolls, so I think the use of glitter by pro-choicers is perfectly justified (and fabulous).
I'd keep it old-school and just make my misbehaving child push a boulder up a hill.