
Jia, I understand you are speaking about YOUR experience being side effect free, but I’d be cautious being so emphatic about “none” considering you writing from a position of influence. As an obgyn, I certainly champion iuds often, and they are largely problem free, but statistically speaking, they are not free of

Wanted to chime in to represent the other side: Mirena made my hair fall out in big patches, and I had horrific yeast infections until I had it removed six months in. Luckily, my hair stopped falling out once I had it removed and eventually grew back. But that shit was really scary. Multiple docs told me there was “no

I got absolutely ripped to shreds by extremely sensitive jezzers in another thread about this (no seriously, they called me names and flipped out on me like I was some MRA) but my experience with the Mirena was horrendous. Severe acne on my neck and chin (I had very clear skin) low, dull headache daily. A weird