
It's been said elsewhere but, let's add Simon Pegg & Nick Frost to that list. Eating Cornettos.

I got a chance to listen to a Q&A with him at a screening of My Name is Bruce; honestly, he's really, really done with Evil Dead stuff.


Do people really keep all these things in the kitchen? I see bleach and ammonia mentioned a lot in other comments but, really? Even when I was in a rathole apartment in college I still kept them in the top shelf in the closet.

It's probably a bad idea to keep ammonia and bleach in your kitchen in the first place, unless you really have no other place to put them.

Maybe if the burglars had also stolen some guns, they could have called it armed robbery?

Thank god Ghostbusters 3 will most likely never get made. At least, not while I'm mentally fit to watch it.

I think the B&T and BTTF mashup would be the best movie ever. Doc Brown would still have long-winded scientific monologues and then have THREE people say "Whoa."

I really disliked the Firefly universe in cinema format. It's seems like an ensemble, character-driven show is built specifically for TV. In the movies, there isn't enough time to support all those characters and someone inevitably gets shafted (In this case, literally.)

I'm going to assume you're talking about James Cameron's Avatar, and not The Last Airbender. I don't remember the weather when either was released but, "phenomenal numbers" and The Last Airbender just don't go together.

That's a great point, I completely forgot that. I wonder what the affect on battery life is? Maybe I'll be brave and test it out.

Also, doesn't store the info locally. I trust Google's server security more than my pocket security.

The camera lens is giving the impression they are diving from orbit.

Perhaps there are regional differences regarding wrapper color.

If you haven't already, you might want to try installing a custom OS, Cyanogenmod really sped things up for me. Also, much better battery life.

It actually has a legal name, it's called a Genericized Trademark; companies usually do everything they can to avoid it to protect tradmark rights.

Yes, Yes, and Yes.

I always thought that was some American quirk, calling something by the popular brand; like how we call tissues Kleenex and such.