
@bsonline001: Let me buy an upgrade for pressure-sensitive pen input and I'd throw down some cash.

@needspacefare: We weren't doing anything with Montana anyway.

@Orange_Gamer: Ironically, this post is sponsored by WoW.

@ThePopesHat: I must be the only person in the world who finds RPGs incredibly dire.

@StuckOnRepeat: Usually, yes. It would be very hard for someone to be removed from the registry unless they were later found to be innocent.(though I've heard even then it can take years.)

@Random434: It might be useful to keep in mind that Titan is the project codename, for internal use only; not the final, trademarked name of the game.

@pinshot: Point me to any time where Blizzard has rigidly stuck to a release schedule.

@IAmMissAmerica: I agree with all of your points except that we make more money than our parents. We have more dollar bills, yes but, we also have a lot of additional expenses. Taking only inflation into account, 9k in 1973 is equivalent to about 37k in 2003. ([www.bls.gov]

@DeathbyTechno: I accessed it by clicking the My Location icon, which turned into a compass icon, clicking on that started 3D view. Nothing around me is 3D though, had to go to a city.

@rob28: Yeah, mine switched over yesterday while I was in the middle of update apps, took me by surprise.

@wagedomain: There doesn't seem to be; I believe how and what it caches it kind of a magic box at this point. The test will be to see if it caches the route if you have it up while on WiFi. I'm not sure if I could give it a proper test during my daily commute, since all of those areas are probably being cached as we

@improprietary: Exactly, at least now they know an energy range where something doesn't occur.

@fuchikoma: All I remember about my wisdom teeth removal is that it made an intern ill on her first day; My only memory of that day after going into surgery is briefly waking up in recovery with the intern lying on her side across from me.

@Carnality666: I think a lot of that is in Apple's hands right now. If the majority of their users see the gamut of Google products as necessary, those users are more likely to migrate to a platform that better integrates those services; I don't think Apple is terrified of Android yet but, they're probably going to be

@wagedomain: That seems to be the idea; My friend is going out of town for Xmas and he's going to test it. If it works and someone hasn't already posted a definitive answer, I'll give you an update.

@FriarNurgle: Now that you've mentioned it, the app will probably appear in a few weeks.

@Dancing Milkcarton: I haven't had any problems with the media player; what isn't great about it?

@DouchieSnacks: Those old lead refrigerators had amazing shock-absorbing properties.

@FrankenPC: I guess it depends on your location; lower crops will be more susceptible to frost damage and have a shorter growing cycle.