@Hahaue: Wow, seems like a heck of a lot of work. Super-cute though.
@Hahaue: Wow, seems like a heck of a lot of work. Super-cute though.
@ServoCannotHoverOverGrates: Also, That's where he reveals he knew about Rupert Grint's problems with alcohol and auto-erotic asphyxiation.
@ServoCannotHoverOverGrates: boosh.
@Arken: Technically, Tenar other Kargish people are Caucasian, so in reality there would be some white people in there for a bit. Maybe that's enough to sell it.
@Hahaue: What is her breed?
@Arken: Impossible. A popular film with no white people in it? WTF are you thinking?
@bawheid: Don't forget Magical Creatures and Where to Find Them 3D and Quiddich Through The Ages 3D, coming soon!
@AndrosZ: This. I assume after that he'll buy an expensive piece of real estate and have sex with ridiculously beautiful women.
@AmphetamineCrown: Agreed. Having owned one for many years now, they're pretty awesome.
@Stem_Sell: I have one of those, it keeps getting snagged on my gold lip ring every time I try to use it.
@Ashwin Mudigonda: I don't think there is a dentist out there that would say the recent crop of electric toothbrushes aren't a massive leap in home dental care.
@TheFirstBardo: I smell a series reboot.
@Darkmagess: While you were writing this, they messed it up. Sorry.
@CoffinDodger (If the typos crap. Blame my keyboard): They're just going to splice in some scenes from the Saw movies for the second part.
@richl1: Hollywood can make a blockbuster a movie about a bunch of people walking to a volcano without much trouble. Three of them, in fact.
@Stevox: Someone already noted it earlier in the comments but, The future of Android custom UIs will probably be more like skins for the sole purpose of branding/consumer loyalty. I don't think a future Sense UI will interfere directly with the running of the OS, just present it in a way that is accessible to the…
@archercc: I think he was referring to a Nexus-type phone, to which I think the answer is between tomorrow and never, whichever comes first.
@Stompy1: It would also explain his ability to jump higher than everyone else.