@Shinhideaki: As long as my first mission isn't "Kill 6 Zerglings", I'll be fine with that.
@Shinhideaki: As long as my first mission isn't "Kill 6 Zerglings", I'll be fine with that.
@skutarth: I think he was trying to save time with the rare double-insult.
@Freija: I'm sure they meant to get around to it sometime. When it comes to familial genocide, you've got to pace yourself.
@jeangrae: While no one has hard numbers, the fact that WoW is currently banned/not authorized in China would reduce that estimate quite a bit.
@Nemer: After Diablo 3 drops, Blizzard will announce their new MMO and the universe will go apeshit. (probably.)
@godot: The real question is why can't I get a 66-hour time card in the US?
@DigitalHero: As a born planner and perfectionist, I activated my account now to get up to speed before cataclysm. I'll probably let it lapse in a month or two like I usually do, but the learning curve is getting a bit steeper.
@NightMystic: It's really not much fun to play by yourself. The whole game is really built around group play. However, I can't think of an MMO that is fun to play solo, I think the concept of the genre naturally pushes out solo-centered players.
@oogabubchub: I actually just started playing a month ago. They've got this new dungeon-finder thing that lets you jump into dungeons and bypass all the MMO crap. It's kind of like a Diablo/Warcraft mashup.
@TheBrainNinja: It's at the Ghibli Museum, on the roof, actually. I believe it is in or around Mataka, though I'm not sure. I would say any trip to Japan is incomplete without a visit there. #nightnote
@LordNige: That would roughly be the cost of my first year of undergrad. Granted, I worked my ass off to emerge debt-free, but my wife left college with a degree and $50k in debt, and among our friends, she's the lucky one. #nightnote
@OW-Holmes: Bringer of Fear:
I think the phrase "...dedicated to the perfection of fun." is one of those phrases that sounds great, but doesn't actually mean anything.