“A new national pride is sweeping across the nation.” Like, he really just doesn’t get it, does it?
Barefoot, curled up in the oval office.
Yea, this is the first one of these things I’ve ever bothered to watch live, so what do I know, but this strikes me as more of a shift dress-and-cardigan/blazer kind of event.
Because they know their only value lies in their being ornamental.
Is Melania going to be there, slightly squinting as if she doesn’t quite understand the joke? (aka, her default expression)
When that Joe Wilson asshole shouted “YOU LIE” at Obama during that SOTU I thought it was the most rude, unprofessional, disrespectful thing I’d ever seen. But tonight, I’d love to see a Dem Congressional member do it to Trump during an actual lie to see how the Repubs react.
I would rather give birth to a giraffe.
I don’t mean to outfit shame, but why do Melania and Ivanka always dress like they are going to a cocktail party? Isn’t this more of a business (or at least, less shiny) kind of event?
Can we get a shoe in the audience?
Yep, I can’t do it. Hearing his voice makes my whole body cringe, and that’s before my brain processes the bullshit he actually said. Going to practice self care and do some yoga instead.
I remember it like it was yesterday
I know I should listen to this (don’t underestimate the opposition, know your enemy and all that) but I just can’t, and no amount of alcohol could make it tolerable. I’ll have to rely on others who have less of a gag reflex to facile lies to report on what came out of this buffoon’s mouth.
I am deeply, unequivocally done FINISHED hearing his voice. Anymore is sends me into a rage fit. I think for my health I’ll use captions
Odds on mentioning Inauguration crowds and ratings? Electoral college?
All part of his facism movement. The day that all and any information comes from the government is the day I no longer will be living in the US.
wow, fuck that guy
That this is what our world to within a decade of electing of first Black president is just tragic. The analytical part of my brain is telling me this is part of a backlash and that we just need to keep fighting to ensure that it is minimized, the emotional side of me is alternately depressed and enraged.
So maybe this is the red line which will cause Republicans to actually condemn him? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Nope.