
Ahhh, it’s still really strange that no one’s really grabbed on to it. Thanks for replying (I mostly lurk, but w/all that’s been going on I’ve felt the need to be a bit more active).

I couldn’t find it, but yes it seems like this should be major news. Why is no one covering it?

I’m disabled too, & terrified. Thankfully no one in my family voted for that rotten soggy yam. That must be really hard, I’m so sorry.

I totally misread her book title as Settle for Me ....

What about all this stuff I keep hearing about how Russia might’ve tampered with voting devices in Florida. If it’s true, that seems like a pretty big deal.

hmm I was trying to coment on SMD’s post up thread

I Can Haz Science?


WORD! Wordy McWord Word!

Now playing

I posted this further down in the thread, as a response to an individual comment. Re-watching it I feel like it’s worth posting as it’s own over all reply as well. Be aware there is strong language contained in the video.

Now playing

This reminds me of the late George Carlin’s observation “If you’re pre-born, you’re fine ... If you’re pre-school, you’re fucked”.

I keep wondering (among a whole lot of rage and disgust at all of this) ... Has no one even considered it just miiiight take a woman longer than six weeks to even realize she’s pregnant (I’ve never been pregnant, but it seems like depending on how one’s individual body might show symptoms it could be interpted in a

What an earth does being “a mom” (blech, I agree with others that’ve said it’d be somehow less annoying if she’d said “she’s a mother”) have to do with launching a make-up line or being a beauty industry veteran? ... And an “incredible expertise in the space” WTF is she talking about (is she high?) ... God, someone

I really want to see someone write a fanfiction where Carol and Ellen Harvelle (from TV’s Supernatural), sitdown and have a beer together ...

... As someone who’s had a disability from birth, & later added several comorbid disorders. This leaves me feeling really conflicted. The actual stress, pain, & struggle I’ve gone through (not mention my parents, 4 months in the NICU, endless Drs, meetings, contingecy plans, physical therapy, & special ED tutors. Even