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    No, rules. Nice people though.

    Your country sounds like it's governed by the Amish. Maybe Mennonites.

    Just spent 18 months in DC, who makes good pizza in that city? And don't say Angelico's.

    Well, Dana Brody's out of the picture, so that's an improvement. It's watchable - just don't expect the cat and mouse intrigue of the first couple of seasons (the number of explosions increases with each season). Also, if Carrie goes off her meds again, for whatever reason, I'd probably lose my shit.

    Funny, initially Homeland was viewed as a more cerebral 24. Time, and bad writing, can be cruel.

    Wow, a show set in New York City?

    My only concern is that the cable companies keep buying up content providers and then put the screws to streaming services.

    This thing has Cornballer written all over it.

    Let me re-shuffle a bit and see where that gets us:

    "I guess we know who she's voting for."

    Season 4 was the first I watched and it blew me away. I went back and watched 1-3 but this was the high water mark. Maybe because it had the most consistent narrative, not sure, but damn it was great.

    You never know when you'll lose your internet connection, it's why I hang on to mine. Of course I could just read a book but I've moved on from the written word.

    Either that or it will sit on your counter or in a cupboard silently judging you for never using it.

    I agree with your take. The deliberately slow pacing may seem like milking at times but I think there's some value to it, although they could also have consolidated this season with the last to keep things moving.

    Might I also suggest Jake and the Fatman to round out your collection?

    Not one of those DVD sets screams "deal" to me.

    Original Shipper! Look what you have wrought!

    Courage people, courage.

    We also got a couple of West Wing nods. The evening meal with Chinese food boxes and a walk and talk!

    Perhaps the Amazon algorithms provide for the "it can be two things" meme.