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    You bet your ass I took down that Tupperware.

    I like the show so far, never saw Quantum Leap but I'm guessing from the comments that they share similarities. I wish the writers would do a bit more to show the impact the team's actions have on the future. I'm pretty sure a different Bond book would pale beside:

    He should totally re-use that quote if asked about Duterte.

    That's the song I play for friends as an intro who don't know him. One of the all-time great lead tracks.

    Hey, The Hooters were HUGE in Europe!

    It really made it seem like all of the label pitches were about how great the label is and what they could do for the bands. Given the financial risk of signing a new act I gotta think somebody would want to get a sense of what songs they had in the pipeline.

    The life and teachings of Epicurus?

    Oh man fate is fickle. At least they're still getting gigs.

    Fun fact from Earth 1: in 1987 Rolling Stone ran an article on two promising, popular local bands. One was Tommy Conwell and the Young Rumblers, which if you're from Philly you might have known. The other was some band from LA called Jane's Addiction.

    Whoa! 13 my friend, let's not age ourselves faster than necessary!

    That just blows, they were so good live!

    "I know it’s going to be a couple hundred dollars less in our pockets at the end of this. But I think we should get a hotel room. I would like to know that you got a good night’s sleep. And myself as well."

    So 60 years later and we're back to economizing words on Twitter. I guess time really is a f… never mind.

    Does anyone buy stuff on EBay anymore? I went through a phase 10-15 years ago and bought a ton of CDs that were OOP or really hard to find locally. They all currently reside in a couple of boxes in the closet. But someday they'll be WORTH SOMETHING.

    I would much prefer to read Herbert Kornfeld's review. C'mon AV Club, you know he faked his death!!

    I haven't, but now I know what to get next.

    Give it a try, worth it for the title track alone, but a bunch of other great tunes as well!

    I'm too lazy to put together a full list, but highly recommend The Wrens to any collection. Especially Secaucus and The Meadowlands. Hopefully their decade-long in-the-waiting follow-up will be just as good.

    I fucking love The Walkmen, and agree that each record improves on the last. Leithauser's voice is a big reason for that - compare an early screamer like The Rat to We Can't Be Beat off Heaven and the growth is remarkable.

    Your wife sounds cool. I like how she doesn't use contractions.