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    Looks like Scrubs is leaving too.

    I don't know mon frere

    I don't know if it's my favorite but it's definitely up there for me. Sometimes when I fuck up bad I hear it in the back of my head. Love the guitar sound and escalation into the close.

    I was going to mention that night too. Was checking in on sweetadeline as well when the rumor hit and then the awful confirmation. I'd seen him play earlier that year and you could tell he was in trouble, forgetting lyrics and restarting songs, but man I never thought it would end the way it did.

    It's great to see him and his songs still written about. One of my favorite artists ever, excellent guitar skills and usually played odd tunings, and that voice. But one thing that sometimes gets overlooked is while so many songs had depressing lyrics with minor chord arrangements, he'd sometimes work in a beautiful,

    "Plainclothes Man" is a killer for me too.

    So power ballads filled with alienation, angst and ennui? I'd buy that record.

    Seconded. He also had a kick-ass cover of Back in NYC on a posthumous release. Anyone that good who covers Genesis un-ironically is aces for me.

    Only $26 Billion? Aim higher.

    I thought Fire Escape was pretty good too!

    But James Cramer gets the blender, always the blender. Set to purée.

    You would think. But with the Federal Reserve still fighting the fallout with batshit crazy policies of zero interest rate policies, issuing 4 Trillion in debt to buy bonds and hoping the wealth effect it creates by making the already rich feel richer and spend more because stocks have tripled … Ah shit this is gonna

    Strange, I never thought of them as a stoner band. They were just the soundtrack to the new century for me. Everything got fucked up fast after all the Millennium parties wound down and when I first heard The Earth… things settled down. I like the last record, especially the 1-2 punch of Postcard from 1952 and Let Me

    And THAT'S why you always get more than one estimate.

    "Enrico's got a head cold, it's NOT his fault. He's a brave and valiant leader."

    Haha! You had to read a big dictionary to learn that. I just had to watch Foyle's War.

    Maybe you're not watching it right, Nerdherder.

    When the fuck is the next season of Catastrophe going up? It already ran in the UK, Amazon. Don't get PBS-ey with me!

    What about Music Box? That was pretty damn good. At least to me. And unless you're kidding.

    I think that is the case, but might be for royalty reasons. I get the same message from Pandora.