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    I couldn't get past the "warm balls" and "sticky towels."

    There's nothing like a machine to make a man feel insignificant.

    Maybe start with Simple Men. It has some great quotes and a good story. But then again my neighbor 20 years ago called it sophmoric. Also you have to get over the stilted Mamet-style dialogue.

    Trust is up there for me. Also Simple Men, Amateur and Henry Fool. I guess they are the most "accessible" but that is an extremely relative use of the word. He makes weird movies and you either like them or hate them.

    Holy crap what a great fucking episode. Mark Hamill was inspired and fuck yeah the Star Wars ref made my nerps hard, but did anyone else get a Fringe vibe with the red vines and the Walteristic performance by Hamill?

    I'll second that. But The Transfiguration is also damn good! The man knows how to close an album.

    Interesting point - I think Danny is the more sympathetic character purely for the hellish stuff he went through. I can understand why he's so screwed up. Thanks.

    Agreed, he is the best thing on the show. Incredibly nuanced performance.

    A red kiosk in front of your local 7-11 that dispenses flat plastic discs with some sort of embedded coding which can be converted into audio and visual images. I think you need another contraption to make it work though.

    As an accountant I drew great inspiration from the musings of one Herbert Kornfeld. I miss that guy.

    I didn't even know we were calling him that.

    Loved them all. Once I got used to characters named Lucius Licinius Lucullus rather than Fred it was a great read.

    Ahhh… Motherboy.

    Is it me or has Amazon changed their pricing for streaming new releases? Used to be able to rent for a few bucks but lately anything worth watching has to be bought.


    Is Rio still around?

    Agreed, he couldn't tell her what to do, but maybe he could have told her what he would have liked her to do ("Stay here with me! I wuv you!"). Instead she receives a grim "Do what you want," which didn't seem consistent with his feelings.

    "Do what you want."

    Chuck is back!!!!

    Love Monkey!!