
Fact is, most Trek movies aren’t outstanding as individual movies. Maybe someday we’ll get a truly great Star Trek movie –cherish the thought.
Meanwhile we get overblown TV eps – fun, goofy, not blockbusters but at least not doing harm to the viability of Star Trek… until JarJar Abrams showed up.

building codes and conditional use permits in Iowa probably aren't too cool with use of deflector screens and propulsive power on a starship scale -never mind the potential of anti-matter accident! (that danger alone -described in Trek lore as potentially ripping away half the planet's atmosphere- should outlaw

plus, raw materials, even whole assemblies can come from Luna or asteroids or L3 station without having to come out of earth's gravity well.

Sometimes things get named after other things. New South Wales is a considerable distance from Wales, and New Caledonia is even further.
Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards might not be on a particular Martian surface feature, despite a similarity of names. It might not even be in the same solar system.

perfectly cromulent!