Just a friendly reminder that Hillary was saying all of this before the election and even on TV, but nah, her emails...
Just a friendly reminder that Hillary was saying all of this before the election and even on TV, but nah, her emails...
If this investigation doesn’t lead to trump being impeached, the little faith I have in our democracy will be completely dead.
It is 2017, we must stop litigating marijuana. The rank hypocrisy of a culture in which we are inundated with positive and affirming messages about alcohol and demonize every thing else is pure folly. Don’t like gay marriage? Don’t marry someone of the same gender. Don’t like marijuana? Don’t consume it. Problem…
If you can’t afford a V8, you REALLY can’t afford to crash your v6.
Manual lives matter?
It is so maddening that a tax credit is supposed to help pay for things. I make so little a tax credit will do zero to help me. It’s such a privileged political ploy.
I used to feel that way, but not anymore. Not since we’re seeing a backslide of progress. The power of the wallet is too important, and I’ll continue to resist any way I can.
Do you... do you think you can just cheaply fly from any city to any other city whenever you’d like on a privately owned airline?
I’d say he should be ashamed of himself for going out and swinging the sticks after he and his ilk spent years complaining about how often Obama golfed, but let’s be real. If this fucking clown could feel shame he’d have hanged himself in the 80's
“Trump does not care to read more than a single page, and he wants that page to be littered with images and maps.”
Perhaps they should conduct an internal investigation to determine the identity of the renegade agents that sabotaged a Presidential election instead of harassing peaceful protestors. Or, they could investigate the neo-Nazi, right-wing groups that are sending bomb threats to Jewish community centers, synagogues and…
And such a violent criminal, driving on a suspended license while poor. Monster!
Sally is a Hero!!!
Bloodborne the first time I played. It took me almost three hours, and an insane amount of deaths, to realize you were supposed to pick up a weapon before fighting the very first enemy wolf thing. It took me months to get over how pissed I was and go back. I simply thought that was the insane difficulty everyone was…
AND HE STILL COULDN’T FIND A WAY TO DO IT LEGALLY. As the chants in New York stated, this shit is I.L.L.E.G.A.L.
The ACLU is correct. This ban IS unconstitutional. *45 does not have the authority to issue it and security personnel should refuse the orders as unlawful, because they are.
If the ban were announced with a one week notice, the “bad” would rush into our country during that week. A lot of bad “dudes” out there!