I’m glad this lawsuit practically ruined his life. Think of it as karma for his time spent in the IDF. It also sounds like he was super greedy when it came to money... what a surprise...
I’m glad this lawsuit practically ruined his life. Think of it as karma for his time spent in the IDF. It also sounds like he was super greedy when it came to money... what a surprise...
Excellent game. I’ve yet to successfully defend my base, but I don’t even care because I’m having a blast. I got really close, but got effed on the last wave because my defense wasn’t good enough. And that was on 30% difficulty!
Hey fuckface, who said it had to be the same for games as it is for alcohol? You do realize that there are many things that are regulated that do not share the same regulations, right? God I hate knee-jerk fuckers like you.
Lol, this douche works for a game company. The anti-consumer sentiment is strong with this one. GFY.
So, uh, where can one download this? Asking for a friend.
To me, what’s worse is the shitty “bro” culture that surrounds reports.
Spoken like a true twat.
Because the type of misogynistic thinking is more often seen among right-wingers. Don’t act like you don’t know that, asshole.
STFU and die. The world is better off if you just do us all a favor and kill yourself.
The fact that he is getting such heat and losing income from this makes me so happy. Maybe now people will stop sucking his dick and call out stupid YouTubers for what they are - no talent, often immature, hacks. Doubt it but one can hope.
Except Hololens is AR while the Oculus Rift is VR. Nice try, genius. How hard is it to, oh I don’t know, research what you say before you say it?
We keep singing its praises because instead of shitting on the tech with little to no experience of said technology, we actually bought a Vive (or an Oculus as I did) and love it and are excited to see the industry and technology continue to grow. Great job being a fucking prick though.
This gun is Donald Trump’s dream come true.
The problem isn’t just the tracker. My wife and I both play and often we’ll find that information regarding surrounding Pokemon isn’t correct either because the info from the servers is behind. For example, I might see a Pikachu on my nearby list but that Pikachu has already despawned. Sites like Pokevision provided…
Play it, then grace us with your wisdom, you dumb fuck.
The Witcher. Although, I hear there already is a Polish tv series or movie but still.
I’m glad people are enjoying this game; it’s polished and fun for what it is. But the (admittedly brilliant) open beta has shown me that this game is just too shallow for my personal tastes, and does not justify $60, so I cancelled my pre-order.
We don’t know who the other Kingsgaurd was in the TOJ scene. It could have been Ser Oswell Whent or it could have been Commander of the Kingsgaurd (at the time) Ser Gerold Hightower. There could still be a third KG inside the tower. Also, in the books, Ned didn’t immediately go to the TOJ in Dorne, he was commanded to…
So how does one become a producer in the videogame industry? What is your educational background? And what path do you recommend someome to follow in order to achieve that goal?
I wish I could shit on your face.