
Abandoning freedom for the illusion of security is a conservative principle sir. But thanks for trying to make this a partisan issue.

"Cowardice is the liberal progressive way of life".

Conservative pussies willing to abandon all freedoms in the name of defense are responsible for:

Yes. There were also Congressional races. Such as Senate races, where the GOP added four seats, and House races, where the GOP added three seats.

Or...you could try doing your own thinking and stop cribbing your talking points from the Hannity and Limbaughs of the world. Everything is not red and blue Einstein.

Obama isn't to blame. It's a false flag attack by Marvel/Disney to get back the rights to Spider-man after talks broke down. Hail Hydra.

I'd ask what elections have to do with the decisions made by a privately held corporation run by non-electable agents, but I don't think a cogent answer will be forthcoming.

Shut up, he's on a roll.

That would be the 2004 when George W. Bush was elected president?

You realize that liberal progressives got slaughtered in 2004, yes?

Yeah totally. The US elections of 2004 and 2008 have so much to do with the decisions of a Japanese multinational corporation.

What does this have to do with liberals or progressives? Oh wait, you're a troll. Never mind, carry on.

Thank God! I was worried we wouldn't be able to tie this back to Obama, and then you came to save the day!

Yes, re-electing Dubya in 2004 did have consequences.

You mean FDR's famous line

I bet you find this moral lesson in everything you see on the news.

Me too.. I once sat in front of a grown man who was actually crying during a bumpy approach into O'Hare. He REALLY lost his shit when the landing was aborted and we had to circle back around. It had to have been his first time on an airplane. I kinda felt bad for the guy.

Girls? I have seen grown men freak at the slightest bit of turbulence.

People clicked on a link labelled "Best Crotch Shots" and are then surprised that it's NSFW...it's a strange world we live in. ;)

I feel that if you click on a link that says