His policies. You know, the same ones AOC has.
His policies. You know, the same ones AOC has.
You know how politicians take blood money from the nra? Don’t vote for those politicians. #NeverNRA #Repeal2aNow #JusticeDemocrats
Ole Smoky Eyes is crying because she's called out for being a Paid Liar for the Big Boy regime? Go cry me a river, Sarah...
I thought right-wing lunatics were all about "free speech"?
Memo to every ammosexual: Yes. Yes we will take away all your gunz. #Repeal 2ANow
Get money out of politics. #JusticeDemocrats #Repeal2ANow
Name one right-wing lunatic who's actually funny. I'll wait...
I wonder if Big Boy’s mind has been poisoned by prejudice...?
I predict Omar will keep her seat. And this challenger will end up having to explain how “she’s not a witch”, like Christine O’Donnell (2019 version) & no one will ever hear from her again.
If you want to make big $ & are a right-wing lunatic, there will always be a place for you on cable news or other right-wing lunatic media.
Pelosi needs to be primaried along with her fellow corporate democrats. We need to fill Congress with Democratic legislators like AOC, etc. #JusticeDemocrats
Pelosi is a corporate democrat & utterly useless. Pressley is a Justice Democrat & works for her voters not donors. And anyone who takes Conway seriously is a fool.
Meghan is great comic relief. I hope she's on "Th' View" forever.
This judge needs to lose his job.
Last Boss Appreciation Day I told my boss I appreciated her (because I do). She said she prefers the term supervisor. Now I refer to her as my supervisor, even though I still think of her as my boss. I occasionally refer to her as boss lady, but never to her face.
Chris loves interrupting his guests. I have to wonder how he books them in the first place?
One of my colleagues has to work a second job to pay for her recent cancer treatment. So, please tell us how we don’t need medicare for all, like every other industrialized nation. I’ll wait...
I have given my female colleagues compliments on their appearance. "Your hair is beautiful", for example (because it is). If my compliments were out of bounds, I think my female boss would have told me by now...
Oh look! Jezebel shits on Bernie. Again! (Yawn)...
How long before anyone notices Ole Smoky Eyes is gone...?