
His policies.  You know, the same ones AOC has.

You know how politicians take blood money from the nra? Don’t vote for those politicians. #NeverNRA #Repeal2aNow #JusticeDemocrats

Ole Smoky Eyes is crying because she's called out for being a Paid Liar for the Big Boy regime?  Go cry me a river, Sarah...

I thought right-wing lunatics were all about "free speech"?

Memo to every ammosexual: Yes. Yes we will take away all your gunz. #Repeal 2ANow

Get money out of politics. #JusticeDemocrats #Repeal2ANow

Name one right-wing lunatic who's actually funny.  I'll wait...

I wonder if Big Boy’s mind has been poisoned by prejudice...?

I predict Omar will keep her seat. And this challenger will end up having to explain how “she’s not a witch”, like Christine O’Donnell (2019 version) & no one will ever hear from her again.

If you want to make big $ & are a right-wing lunatic, there will always be a place for you on cable news or other right-wing lunatic media.

Pelosi needs to be primaried along with her fellow corporate democrats. We need to fill Congress with Democratic legislators like AOC, etc. #JusticeDemocrats

Pelosi is a corporate democrat & utterly useless. Pressley is a Justice Democrat & works for her voters not donors.  And anyone who takes Conway seriously is a fool.

Meghan is great comic relief.  I hope she's on "Th' View" forever.

This judge needs to lose his job.

Last Boss Appreciation Day I told my boss I appreciated her (because I do). She said she prefers the term supervisor. Now I refer to her as my supervisor, even though I still think of her as my boss. I occasionally refer to her as boss lady, but never to her face.

Chris loves interrupting his guests. I have to wonder how he books them in the first place?

One of my colleagues has to work a second job to pay for her recent cancer treatment. So, please tell us how we don’t need medicare for all, like every other industrialized nation. I’ll wait...

I have given my female colleagues compliments on their appearance.  "Your hair is beautiful", for example (because it is).  If my compliments were out of bounds, I think my female boss would have told me by now...

Oh look! Jezebel shits on Bernie. Again! (Yawn)...

How long before anyone notices Ole Smoky Eyes is gone...?