The only way Mr. Carolla could be funny is unintentionally.
The only way Mr. Carolla could be funny is unintentionally.
I’m balding & recently started shaving my entire head with no regrets. Not sure The Prince could pull that off, though.
I hope republicans lose even more seats in the midterms because they shut down the government.
Yep. They look that way to me.
Cara Delevingne comes to mind.
I tried to do that with “The Unbreakable Jimmy Schmidt”, but all my friends are guys and didn’t care. :/
Just dropped by to say I love your name. :)
I’m sorry you’re being harassed. :(
Both “All in the Family” & “Roseanne” were classics that reflected their eras. I reserve judgement on the “Roseanne” reboot.
Reminds me of Carroll O’Connor who played right-wing Archie Bunker. O’Connor was Liberal.
I’d be more surprised if the “Roseanne” tv clan WEREN’T trump supporters.
Donny tinyhands is way too busy watching tv eight hours/day & rage tweeting to be Presidenting!
Projection is the only thing republicans/conservatives are good at.
What am I looking at, here? Help me out.
I don’t recall seeing a less photogenic press liar than Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
It’s called “evidence”. Donny tinyhands is just too stupid to understand that.
Why? He already looked worse!
I used to work at sears. I have no regrets about leaving.
Donny tinyhands wants to distract ‘Murica from the Russia investigation. No one except deplorables is gonna fall for that horseshit.
Donny tinyhands lost the popular vote. His fragile ego was bruised, so he created a voter suppression commission. How’d that work out, Donny?