If forced-birthers actually wanted less abortions, they’d hand out contraceptives on every corner.
If forced-birthers actually wanted less abortions, they’d hand out contraceptives on every corner.
Maybe corrupt politicians are YOUR allies. But they’re not ours. Get money out of politics. #justicedemocrats
Recently I was talking to a conservative friend about sexual harassment & he made it crystal clear he has no idea what it actually is. He thinks if you glance in a woman’s general direction in the workplace he will be accused of sexual harassment.
She is my hero! I hope she gets a better job soon.
If only ‘ murica Had Enough Gunz...(sigh).
Sad but true.
You get All The Stars for that poem! Cheers!
As a Progressive, I am consistent about my values. I condemn violence against Mr. Paul as I condemned the nazi violence that led to a woman’s death in Charlottesville. I hope Mr. Paul recovers soon.
Congratulations! You’ve just Won The Internet & All The Stars!
“Buffy” is my favorite tv show. Mr. Brendon, however, is terrible.
Attempted Murder sounds more appropriate.
I have no use for Kelly or daytime talk shows. Why is she getting paid millions of dollars, anyway?
Not being a girl, I’ll take your word on that. But if I were a girl that age, I don’t think I’d go for Eleven’s buzzcut hair.
Here’s one for your list: “The Village”.
The most notable thing about “Blair” was the motion-sickness I got from their “Shaky-Cam Theatre”. :/
“Drag Me” was far better than most horror movies, though there are better ones.
I’m currently reading “Something Wicked” as my Halloween book because the books are normally better than their movie adaptations.
“Cabin” was fantastic! A rare horror gem!
I can confirm “Nightmare”, “Shaun” & Zombieland” are excellent Halloween movies!
The problem with most horror movies is they have no script, mistake gore for plot or both.