
Ms. Amanpour is a Goddess.

Everyone needs a hobby...

I voted for Hillary. Doesn’t that make up for everything...?  

Doesn’t that depend on the ass...?

Filibustering Democrats will show trump how powerful he is, for the next four years...

Idk. I will never read or listen to anything he ever says, until he is out of office...

Ah, the endless stupidity of trump supporters...

The D.N.C.

I didn’t need a poll to tell me Bernie would have easily won the election & would be President, right now. If the DNC had been smart enough to nominate him.

How about donating to Planned Parenthood...?

I know what you mean. My crazy right wing aunt endlessly professes her love for der Fuhrer on Facebook.

I watched Washington Week pretty regularly. She was a great moderator & was on top of the issues. Her heath issue (which I didn’t know about), explained her intermittent recent absences. She will be missed.

Last I heard, the unemployment rate is below 5%. At least, until trump fucks it up. I hope you get a great a job! :)

I give rich people a pass if they voted for trump. But everyone else who voted for him will get a shit sandwich...

I expect the republican Congress to impeach trump.

My standard reply to this flavor of bullshit is to say I don’t talk about religion or politics at work. But I can ask questions about issues, occasionally. Just to reveal their utter insanity. That’s rare, though...

Remember when I said I voted for Bernie in the primaries, but I would hold my nose & vote for Hillary?

Moar stars please...!

I have a Facebook friend who was my neighbor when I was kid. She adores trump. She’s like my crazy right-wing aunt. Fortunately, she’s the only one like that on my Facebook feed...

I voted for Hillary.