Magister Mundi

I named mine Aolus, which is a Latinized bastardization of a Greek name. I chose the name because of the three namesakes in Greek myth, each of which fit with an element of the back story I selected. I always thought he was most associated with the Aeolus that gave Odysseus a bag of wind that ended up blowing him far

I wouldn't be so sure about that. This is very clearly fair use (it's a transformative work that adds to culture without profiting off of it while also critiquing the original work), so if a lawsuit was brought up, Disney would actually lose, most likely.

Of course, some people will just take it down under legal threat

I love how retro this post is.

Call the developer, not e-mail them, for tech support: Check.
Patch sent via physical media, rather than even a basic FTP link or something: Check.
Patch sent on a floppy, not a CD, because really, no one had CD drives back then: Check.

Ah. Ye olden days of gaming.

So far it's being written kind of like a classic tragedy, so yes. Most likely, everyone will die by the end.

I just hope they weren't surprised that depriving the team of resources, both human and financial, lead to an eternal development cycle. Because that's what they did. A lot. Especially when they were pushing Dust 514 out the door.

Somehow the 420 guys are also stupidly good at the game, and will utterly destroy you while high out of their mind.

There's a distinct lack of hedge monsters in this maze. I am disappointed. One of the greatest omissions from the film, I think.

I have a pretty long mod list, but I agree with you. I have a "strictly canon" philosophy on my mods. That said, the "strictly canon" list of incredible mods you can get is really, really long. Also: I really miss Real Time Settler. :-(

...you didn't reverse the spelling of Dracula. You just capitalized the A rather than the D. This bothers me. :-(

I've never seen kendo in that kind of action, but I DID get to see a cross-discipline championship back when I was studying Shotokan karate. Even without swords, when you have martial arts masters facing off against each other - well, spellbinding is definitely the right word.

I remember watching my sensei going

Oh, so YOU'RE the reason I can never find any rifles. Jerk. :-(

Not that this will be very practically useful in most situations anyway. When someone's aiming a gun at you, you generally won't have time to check their clip.

If other players killing you upsets you, steer clear of both RUST and DayZ. Other players will kill you. A lot. And take all of your stuff. And grief you. And you'll have to start all over again. Repeatedly.

If you DO choose to play either one of them, make sure you play with friends and don't try to solo it. That

I wonder what percentage of DayZ deaths are related to things like this? Probably a very large percentage. This, and starving to death.

...and then you give you a Strength Sphere for all of your trouble. Thanks, guys. I guess.

The miniature explosive charge makes things more exciting.

You mean you hate it, right?

Agreed. Also, even a game that can run at 60 but drops to 30 suddenly is a bit irritating to me, because although it's subtle, the human eye does notice that change and it all feels a little off. Though if I run consistently at 30, I really don't care. That's perfectly playable. I won't go any lower, though.