Magister Mundi

Yes. Yes we do. Apparently.

GoPros are super light, and eagles are strong birds. No problem.

Man, I know, right? I mean, shit, how dare a website that generally doesn't focus on super-serious stuff do an article on videogame/cartoon characters without ears! Seriously - where's their integrity?!

Incidentally, I think your .gif is very fitting. But maybe not for the author.

It's sandbox. The goals are what you make them. For example: on one of the servers I played on, a group of friends and I decided that we were going to find an attack helicopter. As it turns out, there was only one attack helicopter on the server, and it had already been claimed by a gang of bandits. So our new goal

Fun fact: Kotaku is a professional blog site. Which means that while they share news, they also get to inject their opinion. If you want hard, objective news, you should probably look at something other than the Gawker network, since they're all professional blogging sites.

Except... Darth left us... :-(

I haven't actually played the game, but I do like that idea. EU/CK/HoI/Vicky games are all super complex, the messaging system included, but a simplified version could definitely serve the Total War series well, I think. That and maybe a more sophisticated dynasty system, but that's a whole different can of worms...

Well, crap. I mean, I have a laptop that I can mess around with between turns and all, but... that's not really how I want to play. Immersion and all that. And I suspect I'll have that problem, too, since I have a comparable rig to your test rig; just swap some of the components out for their equivalents on the other

Is there not an option to turn off showing AI moves? Because if you leave that on in ANY Total War game, the AI moves take ages and ages. I know Medieval II, Empire, Napoleon, and Shogun II all have that option... it would be weird if Rome II didn't.

That's not saying a whole lot. If it doesn't bluescreen my machine randomly, then it's running a hell of a lot better than Empire did.

Hey, guys! I don't think enough people have posted the Snopes link yet - I think we need a few more! Just to make sure. You know.

Going price is $25 if you buy it from them, plus $10 per expansion pack if you want them (there are three of them). Alternately, you can download the base set for free and make them on your own.

Alternately, make the movie about a human C-Sec officer. Chronicle her efforts to track and apprehend a band of smugglers that have been sneaking... something into the Citadel. Something that, for some reason, has been driving people insane. Most in C-Sec think it's a drug - her Turian and Salarian partners included -

Oh, absolutely. You know that this representation of an ancient race of machines that turns people into mulch, is known for mind control, and has a stated agenda of "saving" organic life by harvesting it to extinction and turning it into a strange hybrid synthesis REALLY, REALLY wants you to pick one of the options

Oh, good. And hey - the dude is more reasonably dressed as well. Win-win.

Yeah, but at least the built-in six pack could be claimed to be "streamlined" or "aerodynamic" or something like that - incorrectly, but still. No such claim can be made of the stomach window.

As it happens, I was referring more to the in-game people who sent her into combat that way, but still. If I was a woman given that uniform, I would sure as hell not go anywhere near a combat zone. Just sayin'.

I dunno... I think the body glove look is more of the horny 24-year-old look. Example: the colored in version by RIckaMayCry in this comment thread (vast improvement, in my humble opinion, even when it comes to sexiness). It seems the mark of teenagers to make something sexual at the expense of internal consistency.


Well done! Much better looking, and in my opinion, a whole lot more sexy. Leaving things to the imagination can be ridiculously hot.

Yeah, but here's the thing: I'm not hating on non-practical or "unrealistic" armor. Honestly, I'm not. What I AM hating on is a lack of internal consistency and logic. See, the dude gets some full armor protection. Not necessarily realistic, but whatever, it's sci-fi, cool. Creative choices and all that.

But then the