Magister Mundi

Yup. It's just a game. Weirdly, I like my games to make internal sense. Something to do with immersion.

Also, I'm kinda tired of game girls looking like they were designed by horny 14-year-olds. Couldn't we at least graduate to them looking like they were designed by horny 24-year-olds? At least then we'd have a

Sounds cool. But god damn it, that armor. I mean, really, I get it - sexy women are fantastic. I'm a hot-blooded heterosexual male in my mid-20s. I really, really like women in skimpy clothing. Especially when they're in close proximity to me. What can I say?


I can understand that, but even in 2007, cloning a different franchise wasn't a good idea. Other games had already tried that for many years and ultimately failed in different genres, and even in the MMO market, of the two successful franchises at the time - EverQuest 2 and Guild Wars - one was from one of the most

Yeah... I honestly have to wonder what in the hell goes through a publisher's mind when they think, "I know! We'll make a WoW clone and make tons of money!" Have they not paid attention to all the other WoW clones that crashed and burned? How about the "WoW killers" that were really just WoW dressed up with one or two

My thoughts exactly. Naturally, when the next Half-Life comes out, it'll completely revolutionize game engine standards.

Clearly, this means virtual reality linked into your brain, where you can feel everything that happens to you. Watch out for the head crabs!

Via a VPN set to a US gateway. You'll have to find a fake US mailing address, though.

The uncanny valley: not just for fake humans anymore.

Such as?...

1. Fallout 2
2. New Vegas
3. Fallout 1
4. Fallout 3

The thing is, they're all excellent games, so Fallout 3 being at the bottom doesn't mean I disliked it - quite the contrary. It was a hauntingly beautiful game, and Point Lookout is still one of the best DLC ever released, in my not so humble opinion. But I'm a

Looking through the details of the law, it appears as though anyone who wants Saints Row IV can still get it... they just have to purchase it from outside the country, since no Australian retailer is allowed to sell it or rent it out. With the exception of people in the Northern Territories, apparently - they're just

Some games require this. I'd say just under half. So if your Internet suddenly cuts out, you will indeed be locked out of a few games. However, if you're anticipating being offline for a while, you can "prep" games (mainly let update flags process through) by going offline, trying to launch it, then going back online

I was referencing the first sentence because sometimes people skim posts, and in that first post I did try to explain that I have issues with people without legitimate reasons, not people with legitimate reasons.

My post was not at all dismissive of undiagnosed intolerances, or at least that wasn't the intention. I

See my first sentence, where I said "unless it's based on well-documented health benefits/allergies/etc." I also mean personally well-documented - if you go through a process of elimination and finally find something that works, I'd say that's a legitimate time to follow a special diet.

Also, IBS has been known to

To be honest, I really wish people WOULD stop with silly diets unless it's based on well-documented health benefits/allergies/etc. Because that gluten thing? Yeah, as someone with celiac disease, let me tell you that it's REALLY hard to get taken seriously when everyone and their mother claims they're "intolerant to

Sure it is. It's vigilante justice outside of the law, instead of dubious secret espionage by the law. Thematically, it's quite different.

I was a subscriber, but I utterly despise point-and-click navigation. So, add me to the list.

Also, these fighters are designed for atmospheric combat as well. So they may not have a function in space, but they very well could matter on a planet. To take an example from a different universe, the old X-Wing books explained how fighters perform differently in an atmosphere or in the void of space (TIE fighters,

Ah. On that point we can definitely agree, then. And I find that the EU tends to shine when it's using original characters (or minor characters made into new, major characters - see: Wedge).

...that's actually not true at all, on either count. TIE Fighters can and do fly in the atmosphere, and X-Wings can certainly have their S-foils opened in atmospheric conditions. I take it you never played X-Wing: Rogue Squadron?

Interestingly, one of the most beloved Star Wars games of all time - Rogue Squadron - took almost ALL of its material from the Extended Universe. Same goes for large chunks of X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter (Admiral Thrawn, anyone?). Really, the EU as a concept isn't terrible, even if individual works from it are.