Magister Mundi

So... on the one hand, this is awful. Really, truly awful, and these trolls should be ashamed of themselves. They won't be - they can threaten and mock preteens until they're ready to commit suicide and feel morally justified somehow - but they should.

Language evolves not just because of poor literacy or word-of-mouth instruction, but because the world itself changes. Though not a linguist, the linguistics classes I have taken have all gone into some depth on that point; our language reflects our surroundings, and our surroundings have never changed so quickly as

...but that's precisely how language evolves. It doesn't matter what's "correct" - what matters is what words the majority of people use and how they use them. Eventually, words change, both in spelling and meaning. That's how the English language got to its current state.

Okay, really. This joke is ancient. It's been used to exhaustion. It's not funny anymore, and you're just irritating people when you post it in comment sections like thi-ALL HAIL HYPNO TOAD!

I found him immediately. But it's still cool.

...and this is where piracy comes in and ruins the whole exclusivity claim. I know lots and lots of people who will happily by a game then pirate all the retailer-specific DLC and not feel an ounce of guilt over it.