
It’s sheer, too, which, no, just no.

The laugh that dude from Mumford & Sons lets out at the end of that tweet had me laughing really hard. Even he agrees that tweet was funny as hell.

Poor Ben is the guy you always had a crush on in school and then you actually talk to him and he’s bland as a sleeve of unsalted crackers. Bless his heart, he’s very cute and very sweet, but he’s very “what you see is what you get.”

Some it is cute, but OMG I want to burn that black sheer jumpsuit thing, it’s so awful.

Why can’t men accept impotence as what it so very clearly is? God’s will for them.

I like this woman’s approach; if they want Big Government sticking its nose where it doesn’t belong, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. If they’re gonna govern by Sharia, let’s be equally absurd and draconian for both sexes.

No kidding, good grief. Four years ago I somehow contracted a horrific bilateral inner infection; I lost all hearing in one ear, and was down to about 20% in the other, constant pain and nauseau, blahblahblah. It sucked. I tried to get an appointment w/ an ENT specialist—earliest date was 30 days out, and they

That’s a fucking beautiful hunk of wiener meat, not gonna lie.


OMG, I didn’t get it at first because I was like...what, a normal shopping list? BUT HE’S A GUY. HE’S HER DAAAAAD. I totally get it now! It’s funny because the fact that she needs tampons means she’s ready to have babies which means she’s ready to have sex which means he’s going to be forced to think long and hard


You know Joan is just going to show up at the last minute and claim that the entire estate belongs to her.

Spoilers: Cumberbatch was Khan.

I know. I wish they weren’t so tone deaf, but god I get it. I am 34 and I see so much systematic sexism and racism at work that is so subtle and insidious it took me a good 6 years to fully understand it. I am so fucking furious, and I see it through the eyes of my colleagues that are 10-20 years older than me, and

Now playing

Did anyone else discover, after these videos started coming out, that a lot of people apparently have no idea what an edit is, much less a deceptive edit? I even tried explaining to some people, with no luck.

Anita Alvarez is a garbage fire. When DNA evidence in one case proved that someone other than the juveniles in prison had raped and murdered a victim, she actually claimed, with a straight face, that it was possible the juveniles could have raped and murdered the victim, left no DNA, and then the man whose semen was

Still waiting for the Selena Collection

can’t wait until someone tells her that she, too, will die like everyone else