
Without getting into the political discussion, just responding to your comment about the weakness of the air force against armed forces. 1) the USAF is very effective against any heavy equipment or infrastructure. They have been at least since the first Gulf War, where in hours they effectively destroyed the equipment

We all knew where this was going if he would win. Everyone that failed to vote for the only viable alternative enabled this precise outcome that resulted in Führer Fünfundvierzig. I’m fighting this thing every step of the way. But one out of every three of my fellow Americans are in love with the Asshat, and one out

“That you routinely get told to go fuck yourself by children is a shining light that gives me hope for the future.”

Yeah! Why do people waste so much time on their PCs and phones and iPads. They could go out and get Tazed for trying to attend one of their Senators’ town-hall meetings.

It is fake. It contains a proper English sentence with words a first grader would never use.

I have the opposite problem. I really can only think of things to say in specific scenarios that directly have to do with me. I can totally see how it’s a balance though, and I’ve started getting decent at either asking questions to keep the other person talking, or just going off on mildly related (hopefully

You’ll figure it out

Now playing

In case you missed John Oliver the other night:

All of the people saying that drinking acid shouldn’t make your stomach less acidic are clearly not studentsc of biomedicine or even basic chemistry. Of course adding an acid into your gut would cause a reduction in ACID PRODUCTION by the parietal cells of the gut endothelium. The body is seeking equilibrium

Advice, never refer to your fiance/wife as hobbit sized anything. That will go into the memory banks for argument #14, to happen 832 days into your marriage. She’ll bring that up and you will have no clue what she’s talking about, and you will pay.

That’s my “Hi, I’m non-threatening and we’re not taking these pics so we can photoshop giant dongs onto you all!” face.

It’s true! Before the surgery his Kinja name was just “Seth”!

Fun fact: the picture the guy is editing in the lead photo is of legendary and enigmatic Mississippi blues man Robert Johnson (1911-1938, left), and a Memphis musician named Johnny Shines (1915-1992) who toured with him in the ‘30s.

While PS4's are the subject, -ANY- electronic device with large enough vents or the like are havens for roaches. You can pretty much tell rather quickly if a device is infested by the smell it makes, which is almost always noticeable, but becomes more so when it gets hot.

Well, you technically can, assuming what you do is something you’re no longer allowed to do and can’t afford to do as a hobby, like military officers that can’t just retire and start private arm....oh, no wait, yeah, you’re right.

The problem with Miyazaki is that he’s an artist, he’s not a director in the western sense of the world. He doesn’t just have a lot of say in the making of the movie, he also gets his hands dirty actually contributing to the finished products animation. He’s drawn and animated all his life, he probably doesn’t know

My wife has spent 18 years trying to get me to eat more slowly. I can at least sit at the table and converse after I’m done now. When I was in Navy boot camp the timer started when the first person sat down at a table, so the last person to sit down might get 30 seconds to eat (if there was a hold-up in the chow line

Damn. I barely eat this well, and I am under attack approximately never.

You realize kissing their ass anonymously won’t actually turn you into a billionaire too?