
Yeah - I'll just tell the papaya farmers around here that Japan was just kidding when they didn't want fruit tested for GMO's. Ship 'em anyway. Not.

Sorry. Being facetious. Should know better. (Needs facial and body clues to pull off correctly.)

Totally true, and is more of the issue than "safety" or any of those concerns.

>It's no more credible than cell phones causing cancer.

He's quite a shill. Paid?

I have a naturalized crop that I've inherited from my grandparents that I collect seed from and replant each year. A neighbor plants your shit on his land, and now my seeds allow a large multi-national with infinite resources to sue me for infringement, even though I've only done what I've always done, for

We know they are males because storm troopers follow the Ready.Fire.Aim maxim. It would be different if it were females. QED.

As far as measuring economic goodness, this *is* a good day. Commerce has happened - and that's the only criteria we tend to measure in the mainstream. Human happiness, potential achieved, social stability, etc. are all not measured (except on those obviously new age, left wing, weirdo, strange, and obviously

Now playing

Terroristic invaders, all of 'em. Like this one.

Oh poo. Now I'm gonna hafta get my t-shirt updated.

Dunno if this will resonate with you, but I personally had some success with the Mankind Project (if you are male. There is a woman's version, too, Woman Within I think.) It's a not a panacea, but I did good work there which got me stopping the exact behavior being discussed. It's work (sometimes very hard work),

Saw a tire on a motorcyle once that I couldn't understand. It had small, roundish/ovalish bald patches on it off the centerline. The rest of the tread was fine. Until someone pointed out what the video above shows - tires subjected to edge friction events. Then it made sense...once they start slipping in a spot,

That's another video, where we see the blooper reel for the Dali Lama or something. *Then* we get to the "Oh, we *all* have work to do." level, no matter what we think.

Another way to express this is that, for some, it'll be a Master Teacher of how *not* to behave. That has value in society. Too bad the article writer didn't really make that clear so the obtuse in our midst aren't committing the same crime as the message leaver when he makes up stories, out of thin air, in his

This isn't about OKCupid, really - it's about the person. It'd be like blaming the network because your pre-teen was watching porn or something..(bad analogy - pre-teens all explore)..uhm, like blaming the network for too many cat videos! That's it.

Troll Dance. Ewww. Here's a handy guide for understanding the dance moves.

You haven't seen snert* in S. Dakota when the wind blows in the winter, eh?

Quick note: one of the whitenoise gang spatchcocked a turkey for the smoker. Utterly awesome looking.

I had to support an EDS customer in Michigan, in the 80's. Their nickname was "the lizards." Never leave your office without a jacket and tie, going to the bathroom included. Freakiest place I'd ever visited.

Not only do they not change their names, but their name genre is used in other places, too.