I respond not to have an argument per se. Just data points to direct assertions in your post.
I respond not to have an argument per se. Just data points to direct assertions in your post.
Re: breeding.
Also, excellent engineering test pilots. Search "Squirrel Catapult" in youtube.
But they *are* tasty rats!
Inside every small boy is the urge to maim and kill small woodland creatures. *hand goes up*
No, he's sticking up for ignorance, not averting famines. Conflating "breeding" with transgenic manipulation is an incorrect concept - they are not the same.
>Farmers have been doing this for thousands of years.
How else to prove royalty?
I think we're both talking the same thing, ie: results didn't match requirements. My issue was the headline comment, which is if results are ambiguous, you get to say whatever you want because it *might* still be true. That's all. So I have more slack for hyperbole in that case, especially if a job wasn't done…
Yet, if the testing is not statistically significant, then the opinion of tested/not tested is open to interpretation. The headline stands in that light.
Or maybe, it comes with extra. "Shredded Cheddar, Colon Blow Style now with extra Fiber!"
Yeah, but we got pen's that write upside and everything from Apollo. Apparently we're only getting maintenance contracts for mold from the missile defense program.
You missed the point of who the victim was in my post. Read it again.
Even if the reactor was perfectly safe, and the power generation safe, small, etc. what we have here is a difference between memes. Centralized vs. distributed. And the captains of industry *like* centralized.
In the 70's I saw an example of this as an interactive game on mainframe based Plato system with graphic terminals. "Spasim" by Jim Bowery. Interactive space dogfights, and you could put flip your graphic viewpoint into the missile nosecone to guide the thing into the target.
...how? You could always ask the 4 yr old kid that stepped outside his house to get his ball during curfew and had his head blown off by an Israeli sniper doing his job. The answer would be clear.
Form follows function?
"Like stepping on Guam in the hot tropics, you can't get it off your shoe."
I know! A crew of about 7 billion, too.
11 times higher. You know why? Huffing of gasoline and glue is higher too. So is depression. There's a link and it's not "war mentality" related.