Elin J

I’m thinking Yara’s sexuality is pretty open, she’s like a salty Oberyn in that way. Why choose a beautiful woman on shore leave? Because she has actual boat loads of men to choose from when she’s at sea, curvy women who smell good are what she doesn’t usually have around.

(Dragon count: Zero.)

Roose had the best scheming voice. It shall be mourned.

Do the youths talk like this now?

The Onion King, One True King of Westeros.

honestly i am team daenerys is the worst

You're in pain too. I get it.

How DARE Hathaway try and be supportive of a fellow actress under fire for some bullshit? I mean, it’s like she has empathy for her or something!

I don’t even want to say anything. What’s the point.

Okay, that GIF is seriously getting me a little turned on.

Yes! Godbless the costume designer. Anytime he shows up in velvet I want to stroke him.

The whole play, and I adore Shakespeare, is worth that moment; but especially this version. When he kneels to ask her and then she says she’ll have to ask her dad, and he says it’s up to her (nominally et al) ...gah!!!

Where are my undies? I think they just dematerialized.

kept it up on my screen and just had an awesome afternoon at work

Tom agrees.

Yeah, I think I would melt into a puddle if that happened.

um what is this here inappropriate things are happening and i want them to happen to me

Can we make him wear burgundy velvet all the time? Well, all the times when he should be wearing clothing. There are definitely times when he should be naked, too.

If I could have one on each side of me, murmuring delightful sweet British nothings in my ears, I think I might vibrate myself to pieces. They are definitely my resonant frequency.

oh man, how did I not know about that?