
I gave my parents an iPad for their 40th anniversary, and my dad has *very* slowly learned how to use it. Forget their Win 7 machine. I'm still the techie in the house, and whenever I visit (2x a year), I get to fix everything. I feel your pain. Everyone's pain.

@sarge5: Thanks for translating this for the rest of us!

@WigglesTheHoly: No, it really doesn't, but this was a month ago when Microsoft still hadn't released a sneak peek.

@Claytons: Yep! Gotta love being an Oregonian. (And you know you love it here.)

@doggdiggity: I was holding out for the white iPhone, but my 2 year agreement ended, and I was getting tired of waiting. It would've been nice to have a white face with a pretty case, but my black one is fine. I have to have a case to use it, since the antenna problem definitely happened with me (I tried it out in the

@Rzah: This is probably the best comment I've read all day. The poor iPad did nothing to deserve this.

If there was an address, I'd send this man a case of matchsticks. Too few people have awesome hobbies like this anymore.

@frankenbeans: Beer popsicles are a great idea. Too bad I didn't think of that last summer.

Does anyone know if the baseball player who flung the bat is going to get in any trouble? The sheer distance he flung the bat would get anyone in college baseball pulled from the game, even if it was an accident.

@r3ppr490n: Thanks for posting the video. I didn't know this happened until I read it on Giz, so it's nice that the video was here in the comments.

@DrChayus: Oh whatever, this is awesome music! It should be Meg Whitman's election theme song. In fact, he should be invited to her winning/losing party. It'd really set the mood of California's political state at the moment.

@TheRoidRanger: Your grammar is atrocious, but I see what you're saying. NDA's are bound by law, and those who sign it should respect that. But, I don't think Giz really cares if they get sued or not - I mean, look at the iPhone disaster. They could care less.

@lonesome.goat: Great idea :) Thanks so much. Hopefully I'll be able to get them to drag their lazy selves over to the house to pick up their crud.

@FlawedHero: I absolutely agree with you. It's difficult for me to imagine buying an Xbox 360 game without the disk. Also, the digital downloads of older games (like GTA4) are around $20-$25, when a used copy at GameStop comes in around $11. You get a permanent copy for yourself, and save some money (and HDD space) in

@pirateaboard001: Well, I've spent my time studying and being in a sorority, so I believe it's time well spent. And to @Kamenwati, it was supposed to be offensive (but, anyone who commented on this post with more than a lolz has no reason to be offended).

@JimBobIII: Our university gave us the option of MacBooks or HPs, which are both pretty nice. I like my MacBook, which I can boot into Windows 7 or Ubuntu. That's a double score for me.

This sounds like a good idea if your house is already a bit neat... but mine is a disaster, from floor to ceiling. Three college students, all messy people, living in a tiny house... yeah, you've probably been there. Our laundry is piled to astronomical heights (both clean and dirty), and mice took over our storage

@Bluecold: I agree with you, but some people you're reaching out to are the lowest common denominators on the internet. They don't know what the Youngs modulus, tensile strength, or aramid fibers are. It's sad, but true. Not everyone can be a science-y engineering type.

I jailbroke my iPad months ago, and I've not looked back since. I honestly can get more functionality out of my iPad with programs others have written, and I've never had a problem. Well... no big problems, at least. I'll stick with jailbreaking until I'm absolutely sure Apple has a good update.