Orca Theory

I thought the exact same thing. If this is in the North Atlantic, that's a huge oversight.

That death stare from her co-anchor's face. Priceless.

Super bummed about it but it's totally understandable on the part of Konami that they would shut down a project like this. Glad to hear the team took it in stride and are looking at it as a positive for them. Best of luck on the new IP! But doesn't this bring up an interesting notion about a possible Metal Gear

He talked about Keene's purchase in NH, but Concord NH recently approved a BearCat for the capital and vindicated it under an "anti-riot" vehicle. As far as I know, and I've been living in the area for a while, there have been no riots in the great Concord area that would warrant a military grade vehicle.

God damn I love this game. I know it's a cheese-fest in comparison to some other games, but I have put thousands of hours in between Skyrim and Oblivion. Some of the best gaming nights of my life have been creating joke characters to play through these games. Like THE PANTS BANDIT, stealing all the pants of Cyrodil. I

That's a great description!

I honestly never minded the ending. It was kind of like the ending to Lost. Sure, not what I wanted, but it offered its own thematic elements that still intrigued me. Just wasn't what I was expecting. I have a feeling most people felt that pain of disappointment rather than looking at the ending as being fairly solid

Whenever I play this or Dota I always go out of my way to be super nice. The communities involved with these games is so caustic it sickens me. Play the game! Have fun! If you lose, so what? There's always a round 2.

That's actually my favorite part of the souls games, and I was really disappointed that it takes so long to be invaded by other players (NG+ and beyond is much more active in that regard) in Dark Souls II. I love that feeling of being against the odds as, especially in DS II, so much of the PvE game is largely

I don't even think the gameplay was that weak. It was surprisingly strong for what it was. The problem is that when you go in expecting typical bioshock play mechanics and you're forced into shooting galleries, it takes away a lot of that experience. I think the Burial at Sea DLC's did a lot to correct that, but

It's a game. People will complain when others don't comply with their rules or norms. I think the Dark Souls community is really unique in that aspect where we do have those conversations about what is "honorable" in a duel or invasions. Even the whole meta about level caps for PVP is a fascinating one, trying to

Bioshock Infinite was flawed in TONS of ways, don't get me wrong, but I thought that starting area as a "tutorial" was absolutely brilliant. If the game wasn't set up in such a shooter mentality, everyone would have taken the time that you did to really explore the place and get to know its citizens and activities. I

That whole Tomb of the Giants sequence was terrifying, but I thought New Londo was way more atmospheric and horrific. The ghosts that shrieked, holding skeleton children...Opening up the flood gates and going down below and finding Dark Wraiths everywhere.

Shadow of the Colossus is a great example of some games that ask you to do morally ambiguous things in character. Like you I had a tough time about half way through it not only because of the slaughter of the collosi but I could also see the physical changes going on in Wander. The real-life me wanted to put down the

I think there's a time and place for the HD remakes. This one, well...meh. I enjoyed it on my 360 and had a blast in Hong Kong. I think you're totally right that this doesn't warrant a remake at all, considering how good the base game was on past gen/PC versions. On the other hand, I have loved to death some other HD

There is a time and place for Dark Souls honor duels. I think summoning an invader willingly or a dragon bro is a statement of "Let's chug all the estus at the start just to do this honorably." If I get invaded by a blue or a red, yeah, it's on.

I didn't grow up with the original tomb raider games but picked this up on sale and had a really enjoyable time with it. Sure, it's cliche-ridden and overly dramatic where it doesn't need to be, but I had more fun with this game than others like Bioshock Infinite or the Last of Us. It's not as deep or life-affirming,

I find this whole conflict really bizarre and overwhelming. Two factions, neither of which are really abiding by any sort of international conventions, constantly duking it out in pissing contests that end up with only more citizens dead. Of course, this pissing contest is moot because one side has a fully fledged

Incredible singing. Russian liturgical music is, at least in the traditional sense, always sung a capella like this. Very different from what happened to the Catholic church where they incorporated more instruments to try and win back Protestants post-Reformation. The Orthodox churches have such rich and interesting