Orb 33

The game was greenlit 3 years ago, before BF1 was even announced or leaked. People have been asking for a return to WWII to Vietnam for a while now.

George Dubya wanted to deal with illegal immigration by granting amnesty and citizenship.

This guy found a way to bilk suckers out of money. Full stop. The fact that it allows him to channel his lunatic qualities was just gravy.

Typical shithead Republican—truth counts for nothing. If lying left and right gets you to sucker dumbasses into believing your effed-up cause, no matter how utterly anti-American the lies are, then so much the better.

Battlefront without campaign: “What?? No campaign?! Battlefront 2 had such a great singleplayer though, I want that back!”

I’m pretty sure mouth, throat, and esophagus cancer messes with your physical conditioning.

This toes the line between serious and sarcasm SO HARD I don’t know what do think of it. It is both true, funny, and sad (that nicotine is so addictive).

talk of previous violent incidents, expression of paranoia, overreaction to workplace changes, unstable/emotional responses, feeling of arrogance/supremacy, intense anger/hostility, violations of policy, exploiting/blaming others

I still think the best name I’ve come across is the Republican Insurance Plan (RIP).

What good is a physics sandbox with realistic physics? If that’s what you want, go play outside.

YES!! I thought I was the only one who did this! The fastest way to go is to stand on the stern, facing toward the aft, and then place a treasure chest against the top of the mast and pull it towards you. Instant rocket ship. Of course, you have no idea where you are going. But damn, will you get their fast.

When you buy a Wii U in 2015 expecting it come out that year and instead wait 2 years (and buy another Nintendo system) I wouldn’t call it on time. Don’t get me wrong it was worth the wait but I personally would have skipped the Wii U if I would have known.

A Zelda game is never late. Nor is it early. It arrives precisely when it means to.

I think people were like, “Hey this is good.” Until Witcher 3 came out and it made Inquisition look like amateur poetry night at the improv.

If we had this capability in 1983 then Able Archer would have been the end of the world as we knew it, for real. It was having the time to try and work it out that stopped it, this time there would be no time.

It’s no wonder that Miyamoto started playing Zelda and just began climbing trees.

On social media no less. For the world to see. I’d suggest the USMC institute an IQ test for recruiting but that would kill business.

The guys who threatened Brennan and his family know that they’ve almost certainly earned themselves dishonorable discharges, right? Because while the investigation into the image swapping might not lead to more than a few token pieces of discipline, threatening a fellow armed services member for exposing criminal

My experience with the Switch is a little different than Kirk’s because I’ve been playing it primarily as a portable. That’s the thing with the Switch. If you use it primarily on your TV, you’ll have one experience. If you play it on the go or at least away from the TV, you may have a very different one.

I just use faith to buy great persons. I totally ignore the religous component of the game most of the time apart from that.