Orb 33

An the memes..... oh boy the memes.....

Well... then :

Or the exact opposite, coming from where she comes she fears the ties she has discovered between her husband and new free world leader Putin.

Nice article Terrell, thanks for it.

Unfortunately who should understand this, won’t....

Nah don’t worry, child labor will be reintroduced and unions made illegal, iPhones will be made in US, toyotas will be made in US, dresses will be made in US, everything will be made in US !!! This is definitely the only way to allow US to compete with Chinese production ! /S

Happy to read this, welcome Terrell !

All turds, even the smelliest, have in the end brought some kind of improvement to the defecator.

To please the president, here’s Boeing proposal:

They will pay him, but it is fundamental for them to contain the phenomenon and somehow discourage the thing. So he will probably have to wait until a good chunk of the returns have been processed.

Always amazing to see the faces, feel the excitement of who is conscious of being writing history. Huge congratulations SpaceX and Elon Musk ! Keep up the galactic work.

But Russian hackers would immediately embarrass the shit out of them leaking their secret alien email, internal turmoil will then disrupt them.

Surely more than qualified, but unfortunately (and would love more than anything else to be wrong) her latest political years where where sort of a disaster. And while I now can’t name other candidates, fucking “Grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump won, I really can’t think it should have been so difficult coming up with

All this must be some kind of viral ad for Black Mirror, it can’t be real.

Hilary was way more qualified, but also way more hated. The first target of our rage should be the democratic party, they managed to achieve the un-achievable : loose against Trump. Why they couldn’t come up with some more decent candidates ? Hilary screwed up quite a bit in her political career, so even if rational

To soon ?

As others mentioned is Kelly WATCH the stars (Fantastic track by the way). A 6 words post............................

Battlefield 4 is what pushed me away from the series, I hated it starting with the infinite amount of bugs it launched with up to the maps and gameplay. It tries to be technical, but it results boring and inconsistent (at least for me). If I want technical/realistic/immersive : ARMA 3, if I want fun : Bad Company 2,