
What a shitty way to do things.

I miss the old school assassin’s creed games (I still have Unity to play at some point whenever GwG has it as one of the freebies) I’m just not interested in all the heavy RPG stuff the series has morphed into. Luckily the DLC for black flag was on sale recently so I got that for $2.50 to hopefully stay my itch until

Im sure he saved a lot of time by not answering the phone every time his cousin called.

Elden Ring’s First Scary Obstacle Is A Simple Bridge

I mean, the game just came out, and Kotaku seems hell bent on spoiling every mundane quirk of the game. I can understand how that’d be annoying. They could have at least made the headline more vague?

I’m never getting Ike and Roy in a Warriors game, am I?

That’s just set dressing, setting up a “not guilty by reason of insanity” defense.

calm down, man. It’s a Game Boy, not the remains of the Library of Alexandria.

I had the exact same thoughts! The idea that all black people share the same culture is clearly absurd - possibly the author is so American-centric that he overlooks the fact that American blacks comprise about 1% of all blacks in the world.

‘Nuances in the voice’? Really? I know a black person whose native language

Janina Gavankar is Indian. 

SMT V rules but I feel like it’d be a disservice to not point out that the game runs like pure molten ass. A Cinematic 24 FPS, as it were. I can’t play it docked because that low framerate (and bad input lag) on a big screen is literally sickening, and its all in service of a jaggy blurry mess anyways. It’s a lot more

Bloomberg’s Jason Schreier has graduated from delaying games to taking down CEOs.

I don’t think I saw Yamcha in the trailer. Though, it’s probably safe to assume that he is very much not one of the Survivors

Now playing

Things might have been going downhill for some time but noticed things really went south after this moment.

The movie looks good

Even just considering the writing and humor, (like lots of things these days) FF14 does it better.

Yeah, I think this is something that keeps needing to be said and re-said. I still see people thinking these sexual allegations are new, and/or they miss old Blizzard and want them back.

An axe. It represents an axe.

The warrior icon is an axe head, since they use 2h-Axes as their weapon....