God, this is the COTY. Just subtle enough to get the “HOT TAEK” guys in a lather! Beautifully done, all the stars are yours!
God, this is the COTY. Just subtle enough to get the “HOT TAEK” guys in a lather! Beautifully done, all the stars are yours!
1 FROSTED Strawberry.
2 Don’t care
3 Don’t care
4 Don’t care
The low-angle shot from behind a team deep in its own end is quickly becoming my favorite football photo. Here’s one…
One of the most basic concepts of baseball is that you score runs by touching home plate. If you can’t manage to do that while walking/jogging/running unimpeded, then you’re the idiot.
Tottenham striker Emmanuel Adebayor posted a lengthy essay on Facebook today, accusing nearly every member of his…
Here's a report on a similar incident some time ago - hopefully the outcome for Phil Hughes is as good as this one was (although that seems unlikely given the requirement for intubation and surgery) http://www.sportal.com.au/cricket/news/h…
I remember when football used to be football, and a bad call stood and no one could do anything about it. I don't know what this pansy crap is anymore, but it's sure not football.
He's just a kid. Give him a second chance.
Jim Harbaugh. I would fly to Mars with Andy Reid before I drove to a 7-11 with Jim Harbaugh in the passenger seat. Imagine, if you will, the introduction "HOWYA DOIN' BILLY?" the too-hard handshake and frat-boy back slap, the constant instructions "YOU WANNA TAKE I-80 HERE BILLY!" to the . . . oh, goodness it would…
Montero was not ejected, perhaps because everyone was in shock over the fact that a Mariners scout was taunting a Mariners player for being fat and lazy.
I do not like this guy.
I don't know about you, but I came to watch Tony Randazzo, so I got my money's worth.
Which they typically do. Unfortunately, there are seven games to win the final but Germany loses count of all their wins around number six.
They looked really bad against Holland.
Anyone with a clipboard is number one with a bullet.
That's a crap load of vodka
I'm sure a lot of these "Treat Women with Respect" rules will be made fun of but as a current female UGA student, knowing that a coach is willing to flat out say "no means no" and "you dont own your girlfriend" in the team guidelines is really refreshing and needs to be said more often in other schools' and teams'…
What's UGA's position on bukkake?
Congratulations, Knopster. I remember when I was a young executive at this company. We used to call the old man funny names. "Iron Butt", "Boner", once I even called him... "asshole". But there was always respect. I always knew where the line was drawn. And you just stepped over it, buddy-boy. You've insulted me. And…