Is that you Rep. Nunes?
Is that you Rep. Nunes?
Someone has to kill him. Sucks I have to write that.
I don’t get it.
You and others need to stop trying to figure this out. Trump is an idiot with a tweeter account who by the miraculous combination of our still healthy supply of grossly uneducated voters and foreign maniupulation has somehow become our President. The absolute worst possible outcome has happened and its time to stop…
It’s great when John Oliver is referenced here because it gives me the opportunity to say:
Urge to bust ghosts intensifies
Thank goodness he knows about the cyber though. Otherwise we’d be in real trouble.
22 Chrysler Lebarons.
That’s not a collection. Not a proper one, anyway. What it is is much, much darker.
I really don’t want to know how many unplanned pregnancies happened in and around this vehicle.
I’m sure if Abraham Lincoln were to come back to life and see what has become of the Republican party that at one point in time did great things for this country, he would actively seek out the nearest descendant of John Wilkes Booth and request another assassination.
This is the right wing, in a nutshell. I’m so sick and tired of hearing how they give a fuck about the people of this country and how it’s the evil elites on the left who are the real villians. The right care about power, holding power and using it to fuck over as many people as possible before they lose it. Fuck…
Or they care because he has spent more time addressing how people are mean and unfair to him than he has on addressing all of the hate crimes that are being done in his name.
And just like that - POOF! - all mentions of $25 million dollar fraud-settlement, business meetings with Indian business partners, Ivanka sitting in on the meeting with Japanese leader - gone. Scrubbed, completely, from our collective memory. Hey, at least it’s tidy!
Have you tried explaining how you’d bring their jobs back? That’s apparently all these people want.
That and open, honest discussion.
Right? Right???
*Cries blood*