
No excuse not to own Catan? Just seeing that box gives me traumatic flashbacks of all my family members screaming at each other about who was obviously winning and should get the robber! That price will get a lot bigger when you factor in the costs of therapy!

No excuse not to own Catan? Just seeing that box gives me traumatic flashbacks of all my family members screaming at

The hamster with the banana picture alone makes this whole article worth it.

Don’t worry, Eevee’s thick neck fur grants him immunity to wrap.

“These are dark days for the industry. If bribery and lies don’t work anymore, how will we sell games?” Space Ape CEO Simon Hade

I get the feeling the current arrangement between the Republican congress and soon to be president Trump has everything to do with greed and nothing to do with long term strategy. They’re about to be pirates looting the town, taking anything they ever wanted no matter what the law says or what anyone thinks of them.

The law only means something if someone will come after you for breaking it. Every branch of government is now controlled by people that have shown that they don’t have any intention of doing anything about any crime Trump commits. Right now for Trump there are no laws.

When did Putin grow a mustache?

It’s sad how much this trailer wants to be like the doctor scene from Outlast. It’s even more sad that they clearly don’t know what made the doctor scene scary in the first place.

Oh God! The evil spirit that was possessing Peter Molyneux seems to have moved into Kojima now instead!

It’s good to see things haven’t changed much since 3rd edition after all.

It’s not nessisarily unreasonable. There could be manpower or money or compatability reasons for this that would be understandable, considering they aren’t a big studio. But they aren’t saying what the reasons are right now, which makes everyone suspect they aren’t saying why out of deception. Also, people that

Everything dies eventually, but the one comforting thing about death is that the earth reclaims the dead to feed new life. Konami, you know what the real zombie is here, don’t you? Let the earth reclaim Metal Gear!

“The preview opens as the girls escape a cage and...” I’m sorry, but I basically couldn’t absorb any of the rest of this article after reading a show premise that creepy.

It’s not very often I see a pokemon design and think both “That’s awesome!” and “That’s idiotic!” at the same time. I get the feeling I’m going to have this poor fool in my party and do terrible things to him.

It’s a Ludicolo. More to the point, Ludicolos take inspiration from Mexican festival clothes and behavior, so it’s not exactly something Trump would want hanging around.

Did she at least catch a ghost pokemon?

It is pretty shocking that Wario is riding a horse here, instead of dancing in drag while he has Peach captive in his basement.

I call shenanigans! No real poll would not only fail to have Jynx as #1, but also fail to have Mr. Mime even listed!

Well, The Donald’s immigration views are certainly hypocritical, but we should leave Melania alone on being vapid. Her mind probably broke after the first time she had to see the hideous orange pumpkin man whip out his stem, if you know what I mean.