Oranges w/Cheese

That's cute, but mostly useless.

@Pook365: That's pretty terrible, but Disney has been doing a lot worse for a lot longer.

@iRant: You forgot to realize that these authors must be dead for their work to become public domain.

@battra92: You sort of undermine your own point. Its not because of the copyright or lack there of that the Betty Boop cartoons aren't seeing the light of day. It's because Paramount wants MONEY. If someone cares enough about something (Disney, in your example) they'll take care of it. Granted, Disney does get a lot

Yes, but how would they make their money selling copies of The Scarlet Letter to us plebians unless they had this law to protect their poor poor industry!?

@pixelsnader: I'd do that if I had time in my day. Unfortunately I don't :( So I'm stuck against a wall of being ridiculously hungry or eating and being fat. FML

@xulldox: He works for the gas company, the ones supplying natural gas to your heater, or perhaps your stove? Its possible you don't have or use gas in your house / apt so you wouldn't know.

@RedBoxMangler: Scooba manual specifically says hot water = bad news. It overheats the battery and the electronics.

@RDRR: It's compatible with sealed wood floors. If you drop water on a seam and it forms droplets, you're good. Even so, its not much different than regular mopping. About the only thing I know I shouldn't use mine on is the laminate tiles in my kitchen (which pop off left and right when we walk on them).

Want Want Want! My bathroom is small enough that this would be done in about the time the regular scooba finishes the kitchen, but the regular scooba is MUCH too large. Want!

This guy has been inspired by Gerry Anderson and his FX team!

Cute, but I'd have to empty it about 16 times to cover my house. I like my current Dyson, but its hard floor suckage is.. well sucking lately, and I don't know why. I have a scooba and have to vacuum up all the kitty litter before I run it, and the scooba still manages to get clogged with the stuff.

@AugureTheCensored: I wouldn't be surprised if it is exactly as you say. I really dislike how our government is responding like a spoiled child in regards to these "secrets"

Win! Finally I can sync to my phone without taking all my mp3s with me.

Just work out before you eat in general. It's almost impossible for me to work out in any way if I've just eaten a meal, be it breakfast lunch or dinner.

@AreWeThereYeti: To understand it fully, you'll have to watch the original first anyway. I think its probably more palatable if you haven't seen the first one, considering the bad guy (in this movie) dies in the first 5 minutes (of the last one).

@presto117: There in lies the problem. The original was great, I loved it as a kid.