Oranges w/Cheese

I get up at 8:30 - 8:45. Out the door by 9 or 9:15 to be at work by 9:30 or a few minutes after.

@downstairs: Oh, by the way, show desktop is easiest if you use Windows+D.

@downstairs: I agree. I use windows and linux predominately and I help out one of my friends in the Mac Lab at their school. It always throws me for a loop, and is frustrating because I have this ingrained task memory to overcome. Damnit Apple!

NOOOOOOOOO! Its hard enough for me to get around on a Mac, I don't need my linux going all stupid on me too.

I can make a book without stables too!

We need this at my workplace (I work in a shopping complex and its fun watching the idiots try to park their hummers in the parallel spots)

Meanwhile the fish is slowly being driven crazy by the drone of your PC fans. God, what a horrible environment for a fish.

I had been told this no longer works because the ink is now soy based and comes right off when it gets wet, which never used to be the case with the earth-killing ink.

I use [] 's firefox addon. It doesn't save passwords, but generates hash strings based on the URL of the site and your master password. This is extremely secure, to me.

@unwritten_law9: We sell boats on our website.. There's a lot of affordable ones. :)

Not always true, flying INTO a regional airport will (in my destination testing, at least) add a good hour or two onto your travel time and at least $100 to your ticket price.

@endolith: New text file. Copy/Paste. Rename to .xpi. VIOLA.

I would make all sorts of nifty things in my rice cooker when I was in college. I'd add rice, water, frozen veggies (and mine came with a steamer basket and I'd put some chicken breasts or fish fillets in there). Viola - meal done in 40 minutes all in one contraption!

@jquack: At first, because you're USED to landing on your heels it would probably aggravate it. Until you switched over to the front foot stride unconsciously then it would lessen the impact stress.

Aldi pretty much exclusively sells their brand of products, and I've never had an issue. In fact, I actually prefer their brand of cereals now.

"when speaking passionately about dismembering deer—sounds like she could grow up to be a serial killer." Or the next Sarah Palin, which would really be worse.

@Seize: Your good life description is nice except for the marijuana part. Don't need to break the law to have a good time!

I read her "essay" and from the first several sentences I will say this: She's a bitch.

How can it possibly HOPE to compete in the netbook market which you described as "When you just need a lightweight computer to do some lightweight surfing, word processing, etc." when it doesn't have a workable 2-handed keyboard included, does not support multitasking, nor does it support flash or any other browser…

@maythetechbewithyou: Yeah, except that you can't take notes on it because half your screen is taken up by the keyboard, and its a touchscreen keyboard which means you can't type at any reasonable speed on it if you're a touch typer.