Oranges w/Cheese

This would also double equally well for college food. Just remember just because its cheap doesn't mean its good for you :D

@quesadillaap: Well technically you aren't watching it for free, as the price paid is "included" in that nice little monthly bill you pay.

I can say nothing but great things for the Couch to 5k "jog cast" linked to here. Podrunner intervals is a good alternative also, if you don't enjoy someone giving you vocal cues.

@noamjamski: You can share files with dropbox. Though it isn't initially what you would consider a "file-sharing service" it works rather well.

@Navin R Johnson: If you know how to type properly, you can use one of the split or ergonomic keyboards. It's pretty cool because then you can put your hands where you are most comfortable, instead of cramming them into the space your keyboard affords.

@timos: Sometimes even that doesn't work. I have a "car mat" near the entrance of my cat's box, but seriously - the speed at which they exit the box most times, they just end up jumping over it.

@dnice8: They make similar boxes with the hole in the top, which allows litter to accumulate on the lid instead of on the floor and TOTALLY contains all the exuberant kicking. However, in a space like the picture that's kind of difficult to pull off.

I noticed this morning that Thunderbird was asking for my Gmail password - which it does when it gets disconnected - but this happens so often I thought nothing of it.

@bufftbone: Ooh sneaky way to promote your indy band, ain't it?

I currently have my litter box residing in my bathroom in a gap next to the cabinet and the toilet. It's kind of cramped for cleaning purposes, but the cats can get to it ok.

@HFC: No excuse! I did the same with a regular litter-pan at my old apartment. I just took the door off the cabinet, and reinstalled it before I moved out.

@vashthestampede: Seriously - good design is one of the few visual arts that can definitely affect your mood.

Woah cool :D How much space does this metadata (if any) take up? As it is, my 8g ipod is bursting.

My only complaint is that it made my screen very red, right off the bat.

I've tried making chicken stock twice. Once, in my crock pot - I cooked it for something like 20 hours and it tasted like cardboard and ick.

I still stand wholeheartedly by my belief that Joseph was ripped the fuck off.

Saw the vid on consumerist. It's lovely!

@CaffeineCarlton: Seriously. The only thing they removed was the convenience. You can still navigate there with a keyboard and mouse and put it on your HDTV, they just removed the one-click convenience.

Vote: Ubuntu