I don’t know how much my local CVS currently has, but it will have a bit more if my guy ever shows up...
I don’t know how much my local CVS currently has, but it will have a bit more if my guy ever shows up...
Hey... Yeah, you over there... Shut up.
This joke needed to be made. Thank you for your service. +1 Monday, am I right? *Wink, wink*
Their poop is cubed because, like many other animals, poo is used as a territorial scent marker and the cube shape keeps it from rolling/falling off of logs (hehe) and rocks. But, I’ll How Stuff Works’ Animal-division explain — mostly because they refer to the poo’s ‘precarious locations’ as well as its intended…
I’m sorry, but this is supposed to be professional baseball. Not some small town, amateur, minor league-esque production.
It’s good to hear I’m not the only one interested in the medical particulars of these blogs that take up so much of our time! I’m on leave because I was involved in a car accident that left me with a shattered hip/pelvis. I don’t recommend it (although the drugs are good!) but, in the long run, it may provide a much…
His prognosis seemed so positive when we were having that discussion the other day. After such a precipitous decline following his initial positive report (which may or may not have been accurate), my first thought is that he perhaps suffered something like a transient ischemic attack (TIA; mini-stroke) secondary to…
I’ve been out of college now for 5-6 years, but I played center for a team in 1 of the 3 conferences involved in this article. We were an incredibly tight unit and, after my redshirt year, a guard who was a year older than me came out to us as gay during fall camp. We locked the door to our meeting room, we talked,…
I find it tremendously disconcerting that the greater the tragedy and horror, the further from reasonable thought and reality that said population seems to move.
All outstanding points. I received a publishing credit on a peer-reviewed study examining mortality/morbidity rates of HCM in both pre- and post-pubescent athletes along with suggestions regarding novel methods detection, most notably overcoming the cost-prohibitive nature of screening. I was far from the Principal…
“Hey girl, is your ass being analyzed by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency? Because it’s here on the Earth and in need of defense...”
Dammit. You don’t slap their butts... You don’t cop a feel on some side boob. You grab them by the pussy. How hard is that to remember? You grab them by the pussy, Bob.
I’m looking forward to calling someone a trash-eating corncob just as soon as the opportunity presents itself. You will get no credit, sorry.
+1 Side & 2 Entrees
The definiton of terrorism is kind of on a sliding scale based on the broad scope of attacks over the last 2 decades, but you’re absolutely right. For instance, neither the Cleveland ‘Facebook Killer’ nor the physician who carried out the hospital shooting in the Bronx last week fall under what’s becoming the traditio…
I know this is somewhat of an oversimplified question, but why didn’t we make more F22s when production was running?
An open rupture of the patellar tendon is unclear and may refer to a few possibilities. Obviously, the tendon ruptured as a result of a significant trauma — as opposed to a non-contact rupture — and was likely a complete tear of the tendon body between the patella and tibia. A complete rupture means he is completely…
Maybe they were jealous of all the attention that Bobby Bonilla gets this time of year...
He must have had a great Haydn spot!
Hey Dom... Out of curiosity, do you know if Orr has disability insurance through the NFL? It’s less common for undrafted free agents to purchase policies because of the cost compared to UdFA contract value. But he obviously passed a physical during the draft process and again with the Ravens, and I can’t help but…