Friday, July 11, 2014:
Friday, July 11, 2014:
BFIB... Biggest Face in Baseball.
“...someone who would be the best hitter on your own team.”
I broke my hip and shattered my pelvis in an accident this past September. Granted, it was a Corolla and not an Indy car, but I hit hard enough to throw my battery 50 feet clear of the car. I was in surgery for about 7 1/2 hours while an ortho-trauma surgeon put me back together with 2 plates and a dozen screws.…
Yes! I think the defensive line ran a stunt on every one of those clips... Including a few awful predicaments of having a defensive end speedy enough to chip their LT from a 7-technique and manage to find space in the throwing lane, which was often 3+ gaps away. They managed to pick up a few, turned a couple into a…
A few reporters who were in attendance have tweeted that Mattingly, allegedly upset that Corey Seager had swung 3-0 in the bottom of the 7th with a 5-run lead, sought out Geren in the scrum. Mattingly and Geren were teammates in New York for 4 seasons from 1988-1991, which, while far from interesting, is infinitely…
How insufferable is Don Mattingly? Pretty fucking insufferable. Marlins beat writer, Tim Healey, take it away!
How often would a sailor end up in the brig... At least 1 per deployment? Several? I know it’s really easy to underestimate the full scale of a carrier and it’s 7,000 sailors from where I’m sitting in the suburbs, but it seems like, to a certain extent, the spectrum of crimes that could be committed would be somewhat…
I hope you ate all the bread you could in those 20 minutes.
Carrier is about a decade old, but your point is still valid.
I love the PBS docs on Netflix. I’ll often turn one on when I can’t sleep... That doesn’t sound like a ringing endorsement — Great to fall asleep to! — but they’re all really interesting diversions that take my mind off of whatever anxiety I find buzzing around in my head.
‘Highway to the Dim Sum Zone...’
I think he’s referencing the random size, placement, angle, etc... of the various notes.
Also, if you keep making that face it will stay that way.
Hey doc, if you don’t mind me asking, what’s your speciality? When did you know that was the direction you wanted to go? I’m kind of in M4 limbo right now, I had to withdraw from my 4th year in the fall after I shattered my pelvis in a car accident, and I change my mind like every day.
I hate that GIF so much, but it’s just so damn accurate. The only part that’s missing is the coding patient and one of the doctors yelling, “I need some help in here!” It’s just not a complete episode unless the patient temporarily dies in act 2.
That is, really and truly, a horrifying thought.
I’m sorry but if you’re ever unhappy because the business you work at is doing well, there’s a fundamental problem running far deeper than whatever is catalyzing that success.
Worse than the McRib?
Cation is a true pro... I can’t think of anyone better-suited to keep anion the situation.